M4JAM to link job-seekers to employers in South Africa

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A new micro-jobbing online platform called the M4JAM is set for launch in South Africa on the 11th  of this month.

The online service that looks to link job seekers and employers in a novel programme utilizes crowd-sourcing to help users earn money through their smartphones.

Andre Hugo, CEO of M4JAM,  said: “M4JAM(Money for Jam) breaks large projects into small tasks, empowering many geographically dispersed people to quickly and independently complete the tasks using their phones in exchange for payment.”

People who join the M4JAM project have to ensure that they have “at least 10 minutes to do jobs.” Price reductions of smart devices should see acceleration in mobile commerce opportunities.

Companies can easily use M4JAM to verify products on the shelf in retail stores.

Businesses participating will have to ensure that large jobs can be broken up into smaller, digestible elements as well as ensure that company’s intellectual property rights are not infringed.

The project may also help propel WeChat’s market share in SA. The company boasts of around 300 million users, mainly in China, although the critical difference is that “WeChat users generate more cash than Facebook-owned WhatsApp.”

Hugo insists that the M4JAM programme lends itself to the crowd sourcing model on WeChat.

“The WeChat format also lends itself to gamification elements, referrals and the sharing of additional rewards and discounts.”

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