City Power cable-theft suspects arrested and suspended

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Power utility firm City Power has revealed that five of its employees caught stealing cable drums worth R4.5m from the Randburg depot in Johannesburg on Tuesday have been arrested.

City Power

According to City Power’s managing director Sicelo Xulu, the two-team leaders and three electricians have since been charged with theft and fraud.

Each of the stolen cable drums carries 300m long cable.

“The arrest of these workers follows a complete audit and inventory of cable equipment. Investigations are being done to determine if the employees were linked to planned crime syndicates though more arrests are expected once the probe is complete,” Xulu said.

He mentioned that the arrests are part of their anti-corruption operation that tries to free the utility of criminal elements.

“From July 2013 to June 2014, a total of 227 people were arrested for vandalism of electricity equipment and cable theft. 86-percent of those arrested were convicted,” stated Xulu.

City Power also suspended the five employees.

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