Telco companies and offering all sorts of services, from payments to money transer than just the tradional voice and SMS and it’s becoming so difficult for subscribers to know which firm offers the best and at an affordable price. These firms are also doing various campaigns to promote their products and services and lure more users to their networks.
Ghana’s has therefore launched to make it ease for people to find and read more on a particular service or browse through services other telcos and compare their offering for decision making purposes. Founded in June 2014, Promolante is a web application that helps you easily discover and review promotions and services that telcos. The Ghanian-based firm says it wants to be the easiest way to find, review and talk about what’s great — and not so great — from Ghana’s telcos such as their services and promotions.
The two co-founders, Abdul-Rahim Sulemana, a Mathematics and Statistics graduate from the University of Cape Coast and currently pursuing a post-graduate course in Software Development and Entrepreneurship at MEST and Jesse Dela Adziakpor, a expert in web application development and graphics design and a Bsc Information Technology graduate from Methodist University College,Ghana know thay have a huge task to do.
They have at the moment set up services of 5 different telcos in the country to help users keep track of what the telcos offer as everyday, telcos are launching new services to have a competitive advantage of the rest. Promolante is that discovery platform for telco promotions, services and regularly used shortcodes.
According to Abdul-Rahim, “We want to make it very easy for Ghanaians to find and decide on which promotions or services they should be subscribed to. On the other hand, we are helping the telcos by bringing all these services from them to the faces of Ghanaians. With Promolante, you can own more than a phone with different networks and still stay updated with what each telecom operator is offering. You won’t miss out on services that will save you money or make you more productive.”
They aim to help users compare offers and packages of the five different telcos in the country and are also helping users keep track of any changes whenever they are implimented. Promolante helps you easily discover and review cool promotions and services from all the telcos in Ghana with the opportunity of sharing them with family, friends and colleagues.
As a community, aims to collate customer past and present experiences on specific products or promotions and as well compare them to current ones to enlighten susbcribers and as well demand for better services from telcos.