Only 700,000 Kenyans are Active Twitter Users-Nendo

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A-to-Z-of-Kenyan-Twitter-NendoA new report from Nendo, a Nairobi-based social media strategy & digital storytelling consultancy claims there are approximately 700,000 active Twitter users in Kenya, with the rest of the 2 million plus accounts domarnt or inactive.

Dubbed the A-to-Z of Kenyan Twitter, the report presents 26 of the most important trends, insights and terms from the over 1.5 million Kenyans* on micro-blogging social network Twitter.

“Estimates show approximately 700,000 Kenyans on Twitter are active each month out of a possible 2 million users in the country,” said Author and Founder of Nendo, Mark Kaigwa in the report. “The A-to-Z of Kenyan Twitter celebrates the culture, quirks and characters behind the millions of updates that are shared with the world.”

Nendo Ventures expects the report to be an into-Kenya document for anyone seeking to understand the local social media scene and as well help brands connect with Kenyans online.

The report concides with an earlier report by another Kenyan digital research firm Digital Rand and the Bloggers Association of Kenya which reported that some 227,000 Twitter users of the 650,000 accounts in Kenya were responsible the online ‘noise’ associated with Kenyans on Twitter (KOT). According to the report, 65 per cent of Twitter accounts in Kenya are dormant and 74 per cent of all Twitter accounts belong to Nairobi residents.

The A-to-Z of Kenyan Twitter is presented using the 26 letters of the alphabet, each with an accompanying explanation, visual, video and supporting digital material. The publication features Kenyan terminologies, brands and personalities. Notable inclusions present events, television shows, politicians, musicians, athletes and socialites among other featured letters of the alphabet.


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