Pozee Launches to Make Singles Dating As Easy as a Wink

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canvasWith the apps such as Tinder, GetDown and many others, people still feel the need for a better dating app better than winks, pokes and text messages.

Pozee, a new iPhone app has today launched in Australia to help singles start interacting the old fashioned way through chemistry and conversation.

According to Pozee’s co-founder, Ms Joanna Hayes, “Many people (especially women) are growing tired of the endless winks, pokes and impersonal correspondence from online and mobile dating. They are also becoming acutely aware of the permanence of the content shared through the web and its repercussions for their personal and professional lives.”

Pozee aims to encourage singles to put down their phone, look up and re-engage with the people around them. Using your phone’s location services, Pozee shows you who is single and open to being approached within fifty metres of where you’re standing.

Once the singles around you have been found, users can do one of two things on Pozee: approach the person or send them an ‘I missed my chance’ profile card.

“When you eliminate the uncertainty about whether another person is single and open to being approached, you eliminate a large part of the fear of rejection that often holds people back from approaching one another,” Ms Hayes says.

Pozee espouses the belief that chemistry is everything when it comes to finding a partner and that chemistry can only be experienced through being in the presence of another human being.

Pozee avoids many of the problems often associated with online and mobile dating, including:

  • the need to fill out an online profile;
  • the lack of privacy around one’s single status;
  • the inability to act in real time; and
  • the absence of real human connection.


How well does it work? According to Hayes, “While the idea of approaching others might not work for everyone, for many it will be a welcome return to meeting people face to face.”

Pozee is currently available in Australia only, with plans to release in the US in November and the rest of the world shortly thereafter.

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