One of the highflying music services on the continent, TruSpot has launched a new social media site, MyTruSpot.
The announcement came at a time when the company is reviving its platform and fixing the past legal issues. The company also recently rebranded its internet radio station
“Today we hit the reset button by wiping out all former data, to restart our platform fixing all legal issues with content owners and to provide the users with nothing less than what they want,” the company announced.
“Our success story of being the first and much favoured African music digital service story remains as we move forward to maintain the focus on product and keeping users, brands and content owners satisfied.”
The new platform will have features such as: Love Button, Artist Self Service, Track Uploads, Spot Feed and Follow Button. It will also have deep integration with social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.
The platform will also allow users to follow and interact with their favourite artists, build playlist with friends and share music with friends.
Rose Orizu, Community Manager with Team TruSpot said that “We are going to fix what we missed out these past few years, and remain focused on building Africa’s largest music network and take our users experience beyond their expectations.”