Safaricom launches its Sustainability Report for 2014

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Safaricom has released their sustainability report that focuses on network quality, energy security, innovation, customer experience, employees, environmental performance, business partners, regulatory issues, and ethics.

It will be the first time in three years that the report will be released to its partners, suppliers and other within its ecosystem.

Sustainability report helps company evaluate their business presence and aim to make their operations efficient by implementing best practices.

Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore noted that the report is influenced by the United Nations Global Compact, the International Financial Reporting Standards and the Capital Markets Authority Corporate Governance Framework.
“This is an expression of our ongoing commitment to sustainability. We have developed a sustainability vision anchored on a Future Generations Charter that will see our vision to transform lives transcend challenges to ensure our business strategies are aligned with global best practices for sustainable corporate growth,” he said.

Collymore noted that the company has intensified its focus on initiatives that will bolster its systems and infrastructure as well as improve the quality of interaction with our customers. In line with that objective, Safaricom will soon release a 4G network provision that allows faster internet access and hence give better customer experience.

Safaricom Board Chairman Nicholas Ng’ang’a noted that, “The regulatory environment in which we operate is increasingly complex. Embedding evolving regulatory best practice in our business requires proactive involvement in policy formulation, understanding policy objectives, balancing the interests of different stakeholders and managing the costs of compliance,” Ng’ang’a said.

“We have developed a charter to guide our interactions and ensure that we build constructive, respectful, open and transparent relationships with all regulators while we remain compliant with all regulation and applicable laws,’ he added.

The report was released for the period 1st April 2013 and 31st March 2014.

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