Launches to Take On

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1233561_10151648016796720_847890245_nKenyaBuzz has been the event listing king and provider of lifestyle information in Kenya for a few good years but doing all events means users have to symphathize with listings of events they never want to hang out at. aims to be a place for fun alone. No corporate events, no boring seminars. Launched quietly by Yellopages Kenya, helps users find  upcoming events near them with tour dates and tickets for concerts, festivals, movies, performing arts, family events and sports and more. Like the Nailab-backed, Hangout focussed on fun events while Kenyabuzz aims to list about everything happening in the country, from sports, nightlife, music, theatre, movies, the arts, kids events and more.

By doing all listings, Kenyabuzz has grown to become the defacto event listing go-to king all these years. Kenyabuzz has business listings and a classifieds section Hangout on the other hand has online radio for readers to tune in and spend more time on the site. Both sites have event and movie reviews and updates. KenyaBuzz has moved into content creation for firms like  Business Daily newspaper, Capital FM website, Radio XFM, Art Life Magazine, Twende Tu magazine among others, Hangout is yet to. 1780654_802614199753568_246959335_nKenyaBuzz also has a publishing arm, Hangout is run by Yellopages which puts business directories on our desks each year, both aim to get our attention and we think both will survive as most of their competitors such as OLX are not directly into events at the moment.


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