Orange Unveils Its Radio App In South Africa

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Orange has launched its Orange Radio application in South Africa. The App is compatible with  iOS and Android devices, acts as an aggregator (integrated with Deezer), providing users with free access to thousands of radio stations and shows.

The App catalogue features over 20 000 radio stations and 5000 podcasts, which are sorted by continent, country and genres such as music, sports, news, etc.

Orange Horizons CEO Sèbastien Crozier said: “The way in which the world is accessing digital content – whether it is video, music or even radio – is changing. Consumers are looking for easy access to personalized content on demand.”

He said that online players and telecommunications must be current and be wary of the latest trends in consumer consumption and ensure they are able to provide content along these lines.

Users are provided with a unique experience, which enables them to identify their favorite radio stations and shows, and even search for and download their favorite tracks. The application is already available in 70 countries, with
worldwide coverage targeted by 2015.

Following the launch of the application car manufacturing giant Renault has signed an agreement to include the application in all of its connected cars, through integration in the R&Go applications embedded in the new Twingo.

“Travellers will no longer need to alter their radio frequency every few hundred kilometres – Orange Radio provides constant and free access to the radio station of your choice via a bandwidth, 3G, 4G or Wifi connection, regardless of your position on the map.

“Orange is excited about the launch of the application in South Africa, as Africa is a key market for Orange in terms of the development and growth of our brand. The aim is to include as many high-quality, local radio stations as possible,” says Crozier.

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