Zwipit Is Now In South Africa’s Local Market

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Smartphone Zwipit South Africa has now been launched in South African market making the country the 10th country in the fast growing list of territories of where Zwipit operates.

Zwipit main agenda is to acquire used mobile devices, repair them then sale them again, this also cuts down of electronic wastes.

Apart from the launch of Zwipit, the company has also launched a secure e-commerce site that allows all South Africans to turn used mobile devices into cash in a simple and convenient way.

“With the local ecommerce market experiencing rapid growth, the time is right to launch Zwipit in South Africa,” says Felix Martin-Aguilar, Zwipit South Africa’s MD. “Our proven business model, supported by a robust technology platform, enormous economies of scale, and our obsession with customer experience, will bring a fresh approach to ecommerce that will resonate with South Africans.”

The falling costs and growing availability of reliable, fast mobile Internet access has created a viable market for refurbished tablets, feature phones and smartphones. People in the emerging world are eager to acquire affordable, yet high-quality mobile devices so that they can take advantage of online resources for information, education, entertainment, payments, and communication.

“Our goal is to extend the useful life of devices already in the market, to the benefit of the person who sells it and its new owner,” says Nothando Moleketi, Zwipit South Africa’s executive: marketing and operations.

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