MTN Listed as the Most Valuable & Most Admired African Brand

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African Business magazine, Brand Africa, Brand Finance Africa and TNS have released the full results of their exclusive survey highlighting a full listing of 2014 Africa’s most valuable and admired brands.

The list is dominated by electronics (17%), beverages (14%), auto manufacturers (14%), apparel (12%) and telecommunications (10%), pan-African telecommunications giant, MTN, topped
the African list as the most valuable and most admired African brand. Valued at over $5.4billion MTN is the only African brand valued over a billion dollars.

Apple, at $105billion replaced Samsung as the most valuable non-African brand, while Coca Cola retained its position as the most admired non-African brand in Africa. Coca-Cola toppled MTN as the overall most admired brand in Africa.

Out of 100 entries African brands managed 23 positions and the rest being taken by non-African brands. While African brands have retained a similar number of brands among the most admired and African brands have not lost any value year to year ($11bn), their brands have not gained any market share globally and their worth has declined in relative terms (from 2% of total value in 2013 to only 1%).

South Africa, with 11 of the 23 African brands, remains the most dominant branding nation, accounting for 91% of the value of the brands. Kenya at 5% and Nigeria at 3% round off the top 3 which make up 99% of the value of African brands.

The most admired regional brands are MTN (Southern Africa), Glo (West Africa), Tusker (East  Africa) and Marsavco (Central Africa).  The most valuable regional brands are MTN (Southern Africa), Dangote (West Africa), Safaricom (East Africa) and Marsavco (Central Africa).

The most admired African nations mentioned spontaneously by Africans were Nigeria (West Africa), Kenya (East Africa) and South Africa (Southern Africa).

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