Huawei Wins Congo-Gabon Fibre Network Deal

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Huawei has won the contract to build a fibre optic network that will connect Congo Brazzaville and Gabon.

This project, bound to cost $26 million, will be made of a single mode fibre with a type of G655 along 550km along Congo’s Matoumbi station, passing through  Pointe-Noire, Dolisie, Makabana, Mosendjo and finally to Mbinda.

The project is bound to begin on 22 December this year and is expected to last for about one year and four months.

Huawei was competing with China International Communication Service, Infracom -marais, Cofely ineoGde-Suez and Buoyguez  Engeries and Services Congo.

Congo and Gabon’s investments in fibre optics also forms part of a plan intended at diversifying their economies, of which is heavily reliant on oil and gas.

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