Samsung Is Not Buying BlackBerry

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Reuters had created an uproar when they claimed that Samsung Electronics wanted to take up Blackberry patents for $7.5; and that the Japanese company made BlackBerry an offer of $13.35-15.49 per share, representing a premium of 38-60 percent over BlackBerry’s current trading price.

The Report also said that Representatives from the two companies met last week to discuss the potential transaction, according to the report. However, BlackBerry issued a statement denying it was in talks on a possible takeover of the company. Samsung also saidl that it has no plans to acquire Blackberry.

Separately, Canadian newspaper Globe and Mail reported BlackBerry has shunned a handful of takeover overtures in recent months as its board and largest investor think its restructuring strategy will deliver greater shareholder value than current acquisition offers. Most recently, Lenovo has been reported as a possible suitor for the company.

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