Konza City Authority CEO exits as body focuses on investors

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Konza Technopolis Development Authority Chef Executive Officer Dr. Catherine Adeya-Weya has left the body citing the need to go and focus on other tasks while remianing engaged with KoTDA on an advisory role.

 In his address, Chairman of the KoTDA Mr. John Ngumi said, “Dr. Adeya-Weya leaves an extraordinary legacy of progress. It is not easy to get a start-up underway in any circumstances, and much tougher when the aim is transformational change. It takes a true believer, and extraordinary commitment and leadership qualities, to have the kind of impact that Dr Adeya-Weya has had.”

 “ The Board is truly regretful to see her leave this executive role, understands her reasons for moving on to other tasks, thanks her for keeping the faith in Konza, and for helping steer this dream to a point where it is now possible to envisage its realisation. We have asked her to consider a continuing advisory role; hopefully we will come to an agreement, ” he said.

 Dr Adeya-Weya, who was also present at the press briefing, expressed her willingness to remain engaged with KoTDA and the continuing effort to build Konza Techno City. 

 KoTDA now has its eye ball on signing investors by availing design guidelines; contract documents; lease documents; and collaborating with County Governments on concurrent developments. This step is expected to make Konza an epitome of an effective ecosystem embedded as part of its locality.

Proposals ranging from research centres, academic institutions, data centres residential and commercial developments, schools and hospitals continue to flow to the Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA) even as the term of the Chief Executive Officer comes to a close.

 new-ict-park-at-konzaWeya leaves at he end of Januray 2015 and the Board will name the new CEO within two months.

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