Philippine’s Salarium Wins Seedstars World Competition | Raises $500K Equity Investment

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10959413_779324398820852_6120057226006576779_nPhillipinnes’ Salarium, a leading HR resource in emerging markets used by companies such as DHL has won the  grand winner of the second edition of Seedstars World competition beating several others and taking home $500k in equity funding.

The cloud-based SaaS provides enterprise HR and payroll solutions for small and large businesses with a customization panel with more than 300 options and world-class data protection using SSL, AWS EC2 Firewall and WAF Firewalls.

Salarium is intuitive and easy to setup and use. Customers do not need to be experts in cloud systems or similar business software to start using any of the available modules. All of Salarium’s modules are highly compatible with similar software, making it easy to export or import data using the customer’s existing system.

According to Judah Hirsch, CEO of Salarium, which was crowned the “Seedstars World Best Startup 2014” “We look forward to being part of the Seedstars World family because of their hands on investment style and the lessons we can learn from them. SSW promotes emerging markets and their talents on a global stage and gives our startups the spotlight they deserve.”

After travelling to 36 different cities to find the best global startups, Seedstars World Final Event was hosted by Lift, one of the biggest innovation and tech conferences in Europe. 10 startups were selected to compete and pitch, on the main stage, in front of a crowd of 1000+ participants and a jury panel at the Final event.

10628446_316452448545946_3357068012472574055_n Apart from the winner, and the Kenya’s s OkHi and  Nigeria’s Green Energy will be up funding via the Seedstars World investment fund for their innovations, other finalists like Singapore’s 6Degrees, a self updating phone book, Peruvian travel platform Busportal, crowdsourcing concert organizer Krowdpop from Seoul, the Brazilian hardware device Ploog, for your desktop on the go, India’s Scandid app for geolocalized savings and discounts, Salarium, the Philippine payroll service, Yerevan learning management system Sololearn, casual gaming studio The Other Guys from Argentina, and Bangkok’s Washbox24, an automatized laundry service thanks to specialized lockers.

The funding for the finalists will take place via the Seedstars World Crowd Fund, which allows European investors to invest with a minimum of £100. The fund is running via Seedrs, the first crowdfunding platform for funds in Europe (equity crowdfunding). The recently opened fund is raising USD 500K and is closing in March.

Furthermore, Seedstars World is also adding specialized tracks for Social Entrepreneurship and Fintech and yesterday announced a fund for startupts aiming to disrupt the travel industry.

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