wants to be the voice of misunderstood muslimah

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FB_IMG_1423465942055(1)Zamzam  Rashid Yarrow launched her blog Zaraya’s hijab to write about the joys and experiences of the hijab to the adolescent and adult muslim girls. It helped explain to the world why as a muslim you ought not to shake hands with any man or hug them.

It aimed to explain the muslim world to both the muslim and to the public who come from variuous religions.

As a Muslim girl of Somali descent growing up in Kenya, a largely Christian country, there is little awareness about life as Muslim.

After sometime,  Zamzam suddenly began thinking about women empowerement, relationships, and instead of trying to explain herself from a religious viewpoint,opened out the world of issues women of somali decent were facing.  In June 2014, She changed the blog from Zaraya’s hijab what it is today-Zarayas world.

From a place to be full of poetry, Zamzam shifted the blog to more serious issues facing the muslim women than just the hijab and the public misconceptions about the hijab and the muslim world in general.

Though using her own savings now, Zamzam hopes to monetize her blog by charging for sponsored content, accept firms to advertise their products and services to her audience and as well do social media promotions and event listings.

“I aim to help people look at the muslim woman differently than just the hijab or buibui.”

We are not sure if her moves will be termed anti-muslim as the religion holds anything to do women sensitive but Zamzam, herself a staunch muslim might be on the right and might even be using scriptures to correct a society that’s slowly turning lawless and cruel by the day.

As a single muslim girl in business, there is also a probe of not being taken serious by her fellow muslims. The site aims to cover fashion, travel and photography, life,business and relationships says the USIU International Relations bachelors holder.

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