Here’s Why You Need to Use PayPal’s Express Checkout

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hero-Paypal-670x350Millions of merchants use PayPal, an online payment platform to accept online payments from anywhere in the world. This also allows the merchants to sell to just anyone in the world. However, despite the simplicity of setting up and using PayPal, several merchants are still left out.

Today, we want to highlight PayPal’s Express Checkout you as a merchant irrespective of whether you are in Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda or South Africa and whatever you are selling.

For starters, Express Checkout is what it means. With basic knowledge of code, any merchant can set up a system on their online shops to help them buy online easily minus ceuing in their credit information everytime they make a purchase as PayPal will already the store the information. Banking information is therefore secured.

On return of the customer doesn’t have to cue in their credit or billing info again.

Build specifically for PayPal Business Account holders, Express Checkout is simple to set up and use as the normal consumer account but will save buyers the pain.

Once a buyer visits your online store and selects an item to buy. They will be led to the cart normally then when its time to select their payment option, the buyers will be transferred to their PayPal acounts. Here, they will be redirected to their accounts, asked to confirm their postal addresses and billing information which are already stored by PayPal. Your customer will then click on the Continue button then redirected back to your website to review their order and complete the purchase.

What happens in the background is tedious and secure but is neither your worry nor your customers’. PayPal handles the order call from your website to the customer’s PayPal account to its own databses then back to your website in a few simple steps which you have no need to worry about.

There are a number if reasons we want to sign up for PayPal’s Express Checkout than just being on the standard checkout.

The major difference between Express Checkout and Standard Checkout is that Express allows customers to be automatically transferred to PayPal to approve their order then redirected back to a clients website while Standard Checkout, the customers are only transferred to PayPal and they make their payment on their own and are not redirected to a merchant’s website. Chances are most clients don’t complete their orders as required and most of them don’t go back to a merchants website.

Merchants are also urged to use Express Checkout as a notice of successful payment authorisation is provided to them real-time even allowig them manage their inventory and bank information and even notify your suppliers in time.

So why don’t you sign up for Express Checkout asap?

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