After BebaPay, Google’s Get Business Online Dies March 15

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google-officeIn October 2014, TechMoran reported Google’s plans to shut down its Get Business Online Programme to the suprise of many.

At the same time, the firm announced it will shut down the Get Business Online website in Kenya, Nigeria and Africa as a whole.

Today has written a reminder to all users to get off the Google Business Sitebuilder website as it will no longer be accessible from March 15 and is asking users to take advantage of alternatives.

“We are announcing that Business Sitebuilder websites within the Get Kenyan Business Online Program will no longer be accessible from 15 March 2015, but there are some great alternatives available to you,” the firm announced.

One of the alternatives is the firm’s own Google My Business which it launched last year to connect users directly with customers and comes with Search, Maps or Google+.  In South Africa, Woza launched to help business migrate easily.

Apart from its on Google My Business, the firm also fronted its partner, Hostgator, an international cloud-based web hosting firm to help the small businesses remain online and also get access to range of powerful business features, including eCommerce, website security, backup and restore, and 24 hour support.

Just recently, Google announced its BebaPay will also shut down March 15.

This is not happening in Kenya alone. All Google Business Sitebuilder websites in Africa will be shut on 15 March 2015 including Get Nigerian Business Online program, the Get Kenyan Businesses Online program, the Get African Businesses Online , the South Africa Woza Business Online , Appsfly, the Get Malaysian Business Online , and the Bisnis Lokal Go Online.

Users are asked to log in to their Google Business Sitebuilder admin account, to retrieve photos and text among other data and move them a different website tool.

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