Edulink International College to spent $3 million to disrupt education in Kenya

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eicGlobal educational services company, Edulink Consultants have invested over $3m to launch Edulink International College (EIC) in Kenya in a move expected to bring world class education to students in Kenya.

EIC will allow students to take the first two years of an international bachelor’s degree here in Kenya then transfer their credits to a university of their liking overseas, a move that will see them save over $50,000 (Ksh 4.57 million).

EIC has invested in infrastructure, faculty and equipment and a facility with a library, IT labs and Wi-Fi across the entire campus for over 1500 students.

Led by Dr. Raj Gill, the Chief Operating Officer Edulink , Dr. Narinder Suri the college principal,  Professor Helen Mason the Group Academic Director and Mr. Kallol Mukerrjee head of Aptech Computer Education, the college is promising to give students in Kenya ‘Education that works’, and as well positively impact the labor market in the country, as graduates walk from office to office looking for jobs.

According to the campus executive director, Dr. Raj Gill, “Edulink International College will deliver a range of internationally recognized programmes such as Multimedia (ARENA) and Software Development (ACCP). We will be equipping our graduates for global employability and for making a real contribution to the Kenyan economy.”

The college will also teach APTECH, an international certification which has trained over 7 million people worlwide and over 100,000 in Africa. EIC is working with renowned international academic institutions such as Middlesex University to establish its  Nairobi campus which is set to have its first intake of students this March.

EIC says it aims to produce students able to fill the current skills gap in the Kenyan job market plagued by a myriad of challenges including the production of students who lack the technical skills required in the job market leading to the growing rates of  unemployment in the country.

According to the 2013 Julisha report firms in Kenya have problems implimenting most of their desicions due to a growing ICT skills gap. EIC aims to adress that using its APTECH program.

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