Airtel’s Free Internet for Schools program to boost learning for Nakuru pupils

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Airtel Kenya has connected Koinange Primary School in Nakuru County to the internet for free being  part of Airtel’s initiative through the Internet for Schools program that seeks to provide data connectivity to schools across the country in an effort to support Kenya’s education system.

Access to information on the Internet has been proven as a key contributor to rapid learning and community development.  Airtel identifies education as a very important component in the realization of personal dreams and aspirations of the youth and community development.

Over 1200 Koinange Primary School students join thousands of students across the country who continue to benefit from free Interinternetnet connectivity from Airtel. The program offers the students free access to the Internet, allowing them to learn better and do more to be successful in life.

The event was graced by Nakuru County Governor Hon. Kinuthia Mbugua who acknowledged Airtel’s commitment to the development of education in the county and across the country. “On behalf of Nakuru County, I would like to thank Airtel for this initiative that complements the government efforts to develop the education sector. This is a clear testimony that the company cares about the community and strives to make a positive change,” added Hon. Wambora.

On his part, Airtel Kenya CEO Adil El Youssefi said, “Airtel has chosen to invest in the development of education in the country through the provision of free access to the internet for students and living the Airtel spirit in the community.We believe that the students of Koinange Primary school will be proud to join this free information super highway for their own individual success and that of their communities.”

Last week, Airtel connected students in Cheptais high school (Bungoma County), Achego girls’ secondary school, St. Patrick’s Oduwa School and God Abuoro secondary school (Kisumu County), New Horizon College and Tadhib academy (Kilifi County) and Redeem Gospel Church- Mother’s Care Academy in Huruma, Nairobi County.

Airtel has so far connected over 60 schools across the country impacting over 50,000 students to-date, with a plan to connect at least 1 million students to the internet. This shows the commitment that Airtel has to this program which aims to improve the quality of learning in institutions.



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