Online hotel booking service Jovago reports 100 hotels in South Sudan

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jovago KenyaOnline hotel booking service has signed up 100 hotels on its platform in South Sudan, a move the firm says is a huge milestone showing the country’s growth and quick healing process from unrest.

According to the firm,  continued peace and stability will mean a lot to its growth and expansion  in South Sudan, Africa’s youngest and unexplored country’s MD Est & South Africa, Estelle Verdier, said, “We are very proud to support the development and exploration of South Sudan, making it easier for people to travel to South Sudan for business, visit family or discover touristic attractions.”

For tourism, South Sudan is home to a large fraction of the Nile River and the enormous Sudd swamp region – popular for a luxuriant birdlife. The country also spots Africa’s largest national reserve – Boma National Park

“with adventure tourism on the rise, tourists are more likely to cross borders in search of that adrenaline jungle than ever before” she quipped.

South Sudan is Africa’s youngest nation, having seceded from Sudan in a referendum held in January 2011 and is home to the second largest mammal migration, Africa’s largest reserve, one of the world’s largest wetlands in the Al-Sudd region and straddles both White and Blue Nile, therefore making it a versatile destination for bird watching, safaris and water adventure. Conservationists have quoted South Sudan’s potential in presenting biggest migration of large mammals on earth.

Jovago has no office or staff in South Sudan but Sudan but has a Jovago representative who visits these specific hotels for negotiation, info updates and agreement signing. In Kenya, Jovago has slightly over 1000 listings.


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