Truppr app announces expedition to Mount Kilimajaro

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Nigeria’s CcHub-incubated Truppr, a social tool that helps sport lovers organize and find team mates for their favorite sports, has announced it is taking 10 people on an expedition to summit Mount Kilimanjaro – Africa’s tallest mountain (at 5,895 metres (19,341 ft) above sea level) and the highest freestanding mountain in the world.

“Climbers should expect to see snow capped peaks, a wonderful scenery, experience 5 different ecological zones, and be able to boast of being one of the few to have climbed this unique mountain,” it stated.

The entire package costs $2,500 and it covers Flight costs, Accommodation, All meals during the trip, Travel guides, Porters to carry luggage, Medical equipment, All transfers within Tanzania.

“Basically everything except the clothes and gear you will wear,” the company said.

Truppr which is regarded as a fitness app said people of all fitness levels have climbed Kilimanjaro.

“Having a Marathon runner’s level of endurance is not necessary. However, it is recommended to up your fitness levels as much as possible before the climb through activities like walking, jogging and other cardio based workouts. We provide training regimes for all members of the Kilimanjaro team.”

“Kilimanjaro is referred to as a trekkable mountain which means that you can walk all the way up to the Summit. The “climb” is actually a long hike rather than an actual climb. The slopes and trails are well maintained and no special gear or ropes are needed on the mountain.”

Departure from Nigeria is on the 28th of June 2015 and participants will return on July the 7th 2015.

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