Shopa; Kenya’s Platform that Gets Anything Delivered to Your Door

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Shopa, is an on-demand shopping and delivery service from any store or restaurant.  Their mission is to provide the most convenient on-demand shopping and delivery services from every store and restaurant in Kenya.

“So far we’ve delivered over 700 orders, this has had an impact to over 50 riders in our sacco (who receive a commission from delivers made)”, says CEO John K. Mbindyo

Order anything from the comfort of your sofa and get what you need delivered in under an hour.

To make an order simply ask for anything available by communication through WhatsApp or text, they will respond instantly. They offer a range of services from food and drink, shopping, entertainment, booking flights, delivery, home errands, etc.

They’ll shop and give you a competitive quote. They guarantee getting you the most affordable price. With your confirmation they pick and deliver to you. Payment is on delivery and strictly to their Mpesa Till number 208323.

For more on the same visit their website here

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