Second Ict 4 Social Innovation; a Conference and a Network

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IHub Kenya and SPIDER (THE SWEDISH PROGRAM FOR ICT IN DEVELOPING REGIONS) are organizing the second conference of the network ICT4SI (ICT for Social Innovation) on December 7th and 8th 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

The ICT4SI is a Pan-African network that unites sectors for action driven solutions. The aim is to practically stimulate social innovation for improved Education and Health through Information & Communication Technologies (ICT). They want to:

  • Establish a network run by regional forums led by members in Western, Eastern and Southern Africa that define their specific goals for capacity building and partnerships
  • Offer members access to capacity building activities throughout the year
  • Gather collective intelligence and knowledge on how ICT presents opportunities for development and growth
  • Highlight and feature African social innovation and solutions regionally and globally

The Conference                               

  • Hosted in a different African country each year
  • 2016: 8th of December in Nairobi, Kenya, preceded by a dedicated Members Day on December 7th
  • Participants from across sectors and regions – technical developers, social entrepreneurs, civil society, health professionals, education specialist and academics, public and private sector organisations
  • PROACTIVE approach, solution driven engagement

Founding members are SPIDER and iHub Kenya. Other member organisations are:
Akirachix, Open University Tanzania, Idea4Africa, Bongo Hive, Totohealth, Hive Colab, Outbox, ITIDO, CIPESA, MobiCash, AIESEC Rwanda, ImpactHub Rwanda, TeleDoctor, C-Sema, CIO, UR, MSH Nigeria Idealab, Bridge2Rwanda, IGIHE Ltd., Femina HIP, Kaami Arts Org., Kianda Hub, AMREF Africa, kLab, and Reach for Change Africa. The network is continuously expanding.

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