STARTUPS | Top Marketing Strategies for Startups

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When you are a Startup, it is important to have a marketing strategy which will be suitable to help your business achieve its set goals. It is obvious that as you start off, you will find yourself under a great deal of financial constraints that limit a startup from undertaking various development projects in line such as marketing of your products or services to reach out your target markets. While most businesses and companies understand the relevance of marketing their products, they do not have enough resources to do so therefore you need bootstrapping. It is by no means an easy task to do but it encourages creativity in startups forcing them to come up with new and unique ways of marketing the business. Here are five tips your startup can try to boost your marketing strategy.

“What exactly does your Startup do?”

It may be a simple question but knowing how to answer it properly and adequately can change how people view your startup and possibly in turn generate substantial word of mouth marketing for your business.

Entrepreneurs should develop a narrative that is unique to their respective business so that other people can easily take note of it. Your response should be able to answer questions like How did your startup come to be? How were you inspired to go in this journey? Do you serve any social cause? Figuring out your story is essential as it helps you to define a company’s core values and principles and also give a better understanding of your startup targets and purpose of existence.

Online Presence

One of the easiest ways to market your services or goods over a wide range of customers is obviously through the use of social media platforms. These platforms gives you the chance to promote your business to your immediate connections of friends and family. While having your startup’s social media accounts is equally important, you also need to improve your company’s visibility on the internet by having a good, attractive and responsive website. Set up a content blog on the website which definitely enriches your customer’s experience and make it more convenient for them to be able to reach out to you.

Make use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. You can choose to outsource this service through TechMoran to boost your company’s presence on the internet. Embed your articles written on your blog with relevant key words, visual elements and links in order to boost your SEO and take your company to the top.

Build your Credibility

Essentially, it is important that the current customers you have and the other potential customers believe in what you are serving them with. Do not just whip out your entrepreneur instincts by just starting to sell to anyone. Marketing works best if you segment your clients and sell your products or service according to their psychographic needs which engages your potential customers. Share your valuable insights on topics you are well conversant with.

By building a genuine and trust worthy name around your brand, other businesses support you as well which draws target customers to your business.


This has worked a great deal with so many startups that are at their initial stages of development. Using promotions such a e-coupons has proven to attract more potential customers to review or try out your product or service.

Sending coupons to the already existing customers builds the list of your loyal customers whom you are retaining and are sure of their support on sales. Send coupons too to customers who sign up to your website or app and anyone who joins your mailing list

Social Events

In every business community, there will always be events happening. Most of these events seek out sponsors for partnership. If your company has the ability to sponsor such events, it will be of benefit to sponsor those relating to your company. These events will get your name out of the many people who are attending and provide a great networking opportunity.

Alternatively, you can also organize your own events. Although it might cost a little more, it would certainly attract more direct interest to your company than the previous option. Let the media cover your events and you could potentially see your company featured in the news.

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