She Loves Tech 2018 Global Startup Competition: Calling all Women Impact and Women- led Tech Startups

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The world’s largest startup competition focused on women and technology is back bigger and better!
Led by She Loves Tech, a global initiative aiming to showcase the convergence in the latest trends in technology, entrepreneurship, innovation and the opportunities it creates for women, the competition is expected to attract over 500 women impact and women-led startups from around the world, where they will benefit from an interconnected global network of like-minded innovators, mentors, investors, and other supporting organizations.

Co-organized by She Loves Tech, APYEF, Chinaccelerator, CIRCLE, EV Hive, Lean In China, Lean In France, Lean In Hangzhou, Lean In Shenzhen, QBO, Shenzhen Women Leadership Development Association, TaXing, WeThinkCode_, and Yazamiyot from June to August, in 14 locations worldwide, She Loves Tech 2018 Global Startup Competition is for women impact and women-led tech startups.

Local round winners will receive a trip to Beijing, China to compete in the global final happening at the International Conference on September 15, 2018, as well as attend a high-level boot camp to meet China’s leading tech companies.

Teja Ventures, a venture capital fund with a gender lens and She Loves Tech’s official venture partner, and other affiliate funds will be actively looking to invest in the top startups coming out of the global competition. Additional prizes include the Startup Booster Pack, which consists of exclusive mentorships from leading VCs and industry experts, consulting services (China landing, China IP protection, financial, legal and HR advisory, product and technology development, etc.), participating in the Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology’s(SWITCH) Women in Tech Conference , fast-track entry to partner programs, media exposure, workspaces and more!

#SheLovesTech #TechLovesHer

If you are a woman entrepreneur or your product or business positively impacts women, please enter at now! Registration for the [LOCATION] round of the She Loves Tech 2018 Global Startup Competition ends on:

May 8: Global Registration Opens*
June-August: Global Preliminary Rounds
September 12-14: Boot Camp (Beijing, China)
September 15: Global Finals & International Conference
September 18-21: Singapore Tech Trip
*Registration deadline varies depending on round location.

For more information, please check our Rules and Regulations at: or
email us at
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