Benefits of DDR4 RAM over DDR3

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The RAM (Random access memory) is the most important resource of a system(Server) which allows in storing and transferring of data/information. Purchasing a Server RAM of high capacities that is demanded by your business needs will permits you to gain higher advantages in terms of performance, data access speeds, bandwidth etc. There are DDR, DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4 Server RAM modules available in the market. There are a lot of considerations one has to make while purchasing the RAM for your system and in fact, many would be often confused while picking up the right RAM needed for their systems by not knowing their features and benefits.

If you have been looking for new system or wanting to buy or build by yourself, you must be knowing about the DDR4 RAM which is currently new in the market. So as far now, the DDR3 RAM is still the go-to RAM and techies have been using the DDR3 RAM since a decade. But market is currently witnessing the introduction of DDR4 RAM and its extraordinary benefits.

Is it Worth to Upgrade to DDR4?

With almost new devices being out in the market every day, is it really worth to upgrade to DDR4 or is this new technology, an expensive one with quality performance? How different is the DDR4 RAM from its previous modules? These might still be the doubts hanging around the ones who are looking for a genuine memory upgrade.

In this article you will see the comparison of DDR4 and DDR3 Server RAM and there individual advantages and whether the newer technology really is better or not.

The Random access memory modules have been evolved greatly since the latest addition to the family of DRAM i.e. DDR4 RAM. DDR4 memory module is a more sophisticated and powerful DDR3 which was initially released in the year 2014. The main difference between the RAMs is that DDR4, increased speed, higher data transfer and efficiency, battery saving, reduced usage of power and allowance for add-ons.

Let us now know what exactly is DDR3 and DDR4 Server RAM and their advantages.

What is DDR3 RAM?

DDR3 RAM or Double data rate type three SDRAM is a type of SDRAM i.e. synchronous dynamic random-access memory with a higher bandwidth, duplex data rate interface and has been introduced in the year 2007. Compared to its successor DDR and DDR2 RAM, the DDR3 RAM has the higher speeds and data transfer rates. This DDR3 RAM is not forward or backward consonant with neither of the previous types of random-access memory modules by the cause of different signalling voltages, timings, and other relatable factors.

Advantages of DDR3 RAM

The real advantage of DDR3 Server RAM is its availability of higher bandwidth capacities. Unlike the previous RAM modules i.e. DDR, DDR2, the DDR3 RAM can outrage the best output result and out bring greater results working at a lower voltage. In addition to it, it can offer up to 1500 megabit per second of data transfer rates.

With the increase in bandwidth, this DDR3 memory technology reduces the use of power for up to 1.8 volts compared to DDR2 and thus resulting in the prolong battery life and because of this less power is consumed even when performing multiple tasks and running memory-intensive applications such as graphics editing etc.

The DDR3 RAM provides increased performance while costing less power voltage. It can be said that, the DDR3 RAM consumes less power energy than DDR2. For example, while DDR and DDR2 memory modules rely on 2.5 volts and 1.8 volts respectively, DDR3 uses only 1.5 volts.

The IT expects say that the DDR3 is the faster compared to the DDR and DDR2 memory modules. The systems that work on DDR3 RAM are generally the faster than those that lope on DDR2 RAM. Therefore it can be said that DDR3 memory is best suited for more-demanding and memory-intensive applications.

The DDR3 memory modules has cooler operating temperatures and also improved motherboard chipsets as compared to DDR and DDR2 memory.

What is DDR4 RAM?

The DDR4 memory module is an evolutionary memory module that provides great capacity, performance scalability, power efficiency, system-level reliability, availability and serviceability (RAS). The DDR4 memory will provide significant benefits in terms of performance and power consumption. The two major improvements in DDR4 RAM are the lower power consumption and higher data transfer rates. The DDR4 works on only 1.2 volts while DDR3 generally requires 1.5 volts of power to operate which means the DDR4 module needs 20 percent less comparatively. Therefore, less power consumption means less heat produced and longer battery life.

Advantages of DDR4 RAM

The DDR4 module used higher-density chips so that each DIMM will constitute a lot of memory. For the high-end servers, up to 64 or even to 128GB of memory can be delivered by each DDR4 DIMM.

The DDR4 memory modules support deep power-cut off mode that permits the host device to go into the standby position without needing to refresh the memory. With this power-cut off mode, the power consumption is expected to reduce by up to 40-50 percent.

Less power consumption routes to less heat production and longer life span of battery, this indeed is the most beneficial factor for the system to bounce to DDR4 RAM. Now the systems can be engaged with higher memory and operate 24/7 and keep them functioning with on-board fans and out-board ventilation to calm them down.

DDR3 vs DDR4

DDR3 and DDR4 are the most recent generations of RAM modules that came into existence with reduced power consumption, higher data transfer rates and performance enhancements.

When DDR3 is compared to DDR4, DDR4 RAM offers higher data transfer rates and less power consumption levels that model it up to make it an ideal consideration for data centres [No-Follow Link] and servers.

Let us see some more differences between DDR4 and DDR3 and know how DDR4 is more beneficial than DDR3.

The high data transfer rates is a game changer and it is duty of the Server RAM to take care of this. DDR3 RAM have transfer rates of about 1333 and 2666 MT/s i.e. million transfers per second while DDR4 RAM have transfer rates of about 2133 and 3200 MT/s and this certainly prove that DDR4 is the best choice when it comes to speed and better functionality.

The reduction the power usage will fetch the business an absolute advantage. DDR4 RAM module is proven to consume lesser power energy when compared to the DDR3 and operates only on 1.05 volts while on the other hand DDR3 requires 1.5 volts and DDR2 operates on 1.8 volts. This is the drastic reduced power consumptions and thus saving up the battery lives of a really long time. DDR4 is the perfect choice when considering the reduction in power consumption.

The Random access memory modules have been evolved greatly since the latest addition to the family of DRAM i.e. DDR4 RAM. DDR4 memory module is a more sophisticated and powerful DDR3 which was initially released in the year 2014. The main difference between the RAMs is that DDR4, increased speed, higher data transfer and efficiency, battery saving, reduced usage of power and allowance for add-ons.

The larger DIMM Capabilities will allow more complicated workloads to process easy. The chip densities of the DDR4 RAM is higher than compared to the chip densities of DDR3 RAM. The DDR3 have for up to 512 MB to 8 GB chip densities while DDR4 have up to 4GB to 16GB chip densities. The more the count of memory modules on the motherboard, the greater will be the capacity of the system to perform complex processes.

The expandable capabilities of the memory module will increase in the business potentials. DDR4 memory module permits the inclusion of multiple processors in addition to the existing processors which helps in boosting up the computational efficiency of the system and also results in increasing battery lifetime. Additional hardware can also be added when highly memory consuming processes are performed on the system while DDR3 do not favour such scenarios.


Upgrading your system with DDR3 or DDR4 RAM actually depends upon what other hardware you are using now, and what hardware are you planning to use in the future. On comparing DDR4 with DDR3, the DDR4 memory module tends to show up the difference in physical changes with a great advantage, showcases better performance, higher clock speeds [No-Follow Link], data transfer rates, low operating voltage, stability and reliability features and high memory capacities.

The Server DDR4 memory is recommended if you own a new generation of CPU, it is not necessarily needed but for future proof and if you are configuring a new system or purchasing a new one then opting for DDR4 RAM is the best option. Both the RAM modules don’t vary much in terms of pricing. As the DDR4 memory module is the latest-in memory technology in the market and offers the best advantages over the DDR3 RAM while the price of it is almost similar to that of the price offered on DDR3. The DDR4 RAM was released in the year 2014 and since then it has gained the receptive pricing tag that DDR3 RAM had been enjoying for almost a decade. Off late, the price difference amongst the both is negligible.

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