MEST Africa names Ashwin Ravichandran as new Managing Director

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MEST Africa has appointed Ashwin Ravichandran as its new Managing Director, in a move to grow and strengthen its portfolio of startups and expand its reach and impact across the continent. 

Ashwin will replace Aaron Fu who TechMoran reported yesterday had left the Pan-African entrepreneurial training program, seed fund and incubator to focus on angel investing.

“We’re thrilled to name Ashwin as Managing Director,” said MEST Founder & Chairman, Jorn Lyseggen. “Over the years, he has been an incredible asset to our management team and an invaluable mentor to founders and Entrepreneurs-in-Training (EITs). Ashwin has a passionate, product-centric approach to entrepreneurship and, combined with a deep belief and dedication to the African continent, he is the right person to take MEST to the next level.”

Ashwin joined MEST in 2015 as a Technology Teaching Fellow and has since served as the Incubator Manager for MEST Accra, and as Director of Portfolio Support and Country Director of Ghana.

Aswin has a background in Computer Science and Engineering and has worked with the innovation team at Honeywell and building startups in India. As a Director of Portfolio Support, Ashwin was in charge of the growth and development of some of MESTs most successful portfolio companies such as Complete Farmer, Asoriba, Leti Arts and Kudobuzz.

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