How To Utilize Your IGTV For Your Business

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How do you utilize your IGTV for your business?

IGTV is becoming very popular especially because the algorithms keep changing and they same to favour videos a lot more. You need to have a creative way of creating IGTV videos so that you actually gain a good audience. IGTV and Instagram are two separate apps, like Facebook Messenger and Facebook. The IGTV platform is designed for sharing and watching long-form videos. It’s similar to Instagram Stories, only your videos stay forever on your channel.

The question is how do you grow your brand’s visibility with your audience?

1. You can use your previously published content

You can repurpose horizontal videos you’ve posted on YouTube and Facebook, or live-stream recordings. Short tips and listicles are always great for sharing so repurpose your blog posts into IGTV videos as well. Once you start repurposing your videos for IGTV, keep an eye on how your audience reacts to this long-form video content. Based on that data, you can offer other meaningful stories about your brand. I find that shorter videos get more traction and people are more willing to watch which makes sense because people’s attention span especially on Instagram is very short. People are more willing to consume snackable content, something that’s quick.

2. Only have exclusive content with a niche

Sharing exclusive content with viewers will help you build a dedicated audience. The content you share could be behind-the-scenes videos that show product development, production, and distribution. The best thing is that these videos don’t require extra editing. People love to view authentic content that they can relate to at the end of the day we are emotional beings and we like knowing that there are real people behind a business.

3. Create tutorials

Educational videos are always a good way to introduce your products. To take your videos to the next level, teach followers something new about your business and allow them to follow what you’re doing in real time. You can always have tips that your business can offer.

4. Start an actual series

IGTV is a modern form of television so you can approach it in a similar way by sharing a weekly or monthly segment at a recurring time. Consistency is important because people love predictability. Publishing episodes on a regular schedule will get your audience accustomed to coming back and watching a show on your IGTV channel.

5. Plan a Q&A

Answering questions from your audience is an amazing way to improve engagement while providing useful information. If you position yourself as open, and committed to discussion and answering questions, people will start trusting and relying on your business. How do you plan a Q&A? By telling people on instastory to ask you their questions then you will respond by a video.

6. Get customers talking

Nothing is more persuasive to consumers than customers talking about why they love your brand. Take a chance and spotlight some of your loyal customers on IGTV. Invite them to be featured in the video and let them tell viewers why they love your products or services.

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