Concise of Records in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

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Dynamics 365 Records:

Microsoft Dynamics records are displayed in a stream view or grid view. These records are more similar to Microsoft Excel, where records can be filtered, searched, and sorted easily in the stream view. When we select the records in the navigation bar, then those records can be viewed by default. Here, a system customizer is used to set the user’s default view. 

Types of Records in Dynamics 365:

There are ten types of Records in Dynamics 365:

They are:

  • Viewing Records
  • Creating Records
  • Opening Records
  • Related Records
  • Sharing Records
  • Sorting Records
  • Editing Records
  • Working with Forums
  • Assigning Records
  • Removing Records

Viewing Records:

The Viewing records contain query of records (how to filter the records) and a layout (a specific width and order). Views are of two types: Personal and System. Here, Personal views are your creation, whereas System views are customer’s creation. For both Personal view and System view, the width and order of the columns are controlled view specifications.  

Creating Records:

The creation of records can be done in many areas, such as:

  • Click “Quick Create” in the Top Navigation bar.
  • Click “New” in the command bar.
  • Click “New Items” in the Outlook.
  • Click “+” in the Sub-grid.
  • Select “New” within a record from the command bar.

There are much more ways than the above in creating records such as campaign response, email, phone call, and so on.

Opening Records:

To open the records, click the hyperlink or double-click the “Record” button. Then you can see records on lookup fields and grid views. You can double click the blue arrow to see the records in grid view.

Related Records:

Any record which is related from several to single relationships will appear on the lookup form. Each contact has a parent account that is performed in the sub-grid form under the navigation menu bar. “Activities” are the most common related records in Microsoft Dynamics 365. Activities include many custom entities such as accounts, leads, contacts, and so on. Some “Activities” are related to opportunity those are called as “Out-of-the-Box records.”  

Sharing Records:

There is a need for sharing records to collaborate across the teams because most of the time users can be prevented from the security settings from editing the records. While sharing the records, the user should share the edit, view, delete, and assign within himself. The user can share the records with the following steps:

  • While selecting “Grid View” records, click the “Share” button on Command bar.
  • Then individually select user rights to be shared or select “Toggle” from the on/off rights.
  • Finally, click the “Share” button.

Sorting Records:

Every record can be sorted easily by selecting a proper column heading. Click the toggles of the column heading in both descending and ascending orders. Further, for more columns, hold the “Shift” key for selecting multiple columns. Here, the native fields are used in sorting. In other words, the related record fields can’t be used for sorting.

Editing Records:

Users cannot be able to update the data of grids and sub-grids; they had to open and edit the data in the record. By using “Editable Grids”, System Administrators set the in-line editing. Once the editing was done, then the user will get the opportunity to choose “SHOW AS” which is enabled in the command bar. The user can edit field types, including option sets and lookup fields.

Working with Forums:

In the year 2012, a service update was introduced, which is known as Microsoft Dynamics CRM. In CRM, there are two types of forms: Classic forms and Updated forms. The newly updated forms have business rule capabilities and business process flow. The Leads, Cases, and Opportunities have come under the business process flow. The user can also create a New Business Process Flow for custom entities. 

Assigning Records:

Assigning a record comes under changing the Owner’s record. Depending on assigning records and security settings, the user can view the record. 

Let’s look at the procedure for assigning a record for the new customer:

  •  Change the customer’s name on the record form.
  • While viewing a record click “Assign” button on the Command bar.
  • Then select records from “Grid View” on the Command bar.

Removing Records:

If the user wants to remove a record, the first step is to deactivate them. System Administrators only did this job of removing records, and it happens very rarely. We can also manage to run the bulk delete function which is presented on the old records’ purge.

New Features for Updating Dynamics 365 CRM Records:

Users always tend to update Dynamics 365 CRM records. Here, the features in Import Data allows in updating the records. The Excel Online and Bulk Edit buttons help to update the bulk existing records. It is easy to use “Excel” while the user is working on the Power applications. 

There is a new feature which is not limited to Dynamics 365 CRM called “Edit data in Excel.” This feature can be used in a power application platform. If you want to work with the data, then the first step is to select the “Entities” by signing into “” Now, you will observe the “Edit data in Excel” button.  

The primary relation between existing features and new features is the creation of excel but without using navigation. In Dynamics 365 CRM, we don’t need to import the excel sheet and also we can update the data within a few clicks. 

Edit data in Excel:

  • In every organization, few employees can update the records for specific needs. We have to provide an Excel sheet for every Administrator to work on. The Administrator provides an excel sheet to make Dynamics 365 updates.
  • In Dynamics 365, the Administrator tests the business processes with several records sets for testing.

How “Edit data in Excel” work?

  1. Initially, you should sign-in to Then select the data entities and click “Edit data in Excel” button.
  2. Then open the downloaded excel sheet and by using Common Data Sevie sign-in to Dynamics 365 CRM. Then you can edit the data in excel.

Let’s look at the key terms used in the Excel sheet.

Field: It defines the column by showing the “Last name.”

Source: It defines the “Data Source” to lead the data entity.

Refresh: It used to refresh the Excel sheet’s data and reloads the updated data by retrieving the new changes.

New: It is used to add new rows in the table. It also creates a new entry and new records in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Filter: It is used to filter the Excel sheet’s new data. The user should use the “Refresh” button while reloading the data.

Publish: It is used to push the changes to Dynamics 365 CRM from an Excel sheet. After completion of the changes, the user should confirm the data. 

Option-set: Click the “Option-set” button to select the new value in the Boolean field. 


The above article gives a summary of Records in Dynamics 365 CRM. For any user, it is recommended in deactivating the record rather than deleting it. This can only be done through “Grid.” On the other hand, the new features for updating the data directly impact CRM environments. By using these features, we can make the changes in Excel sheet very quickly, and with a single click, we can publish the data easily.

Author Bio:

I’m Anji Velagana; a B.Tech (ECE) graduate and pursuing an MA in Journalism & Mass Communication. I’m working as a Freelance Content Writer at KBS Institute. I have 2 years of experience in the content writing field. Contact me on LinkedIn and Twitter

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