4 Best Apps To Help You With Your Instagram Hashtags

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A picture is worth a thousand words. In the world of Instagram and Twitter, sadly, the above doesn’t hold true anymore. Along with the visual element of your post, many other factors contribute to its popularity. Today, hashtags and captions are as important as the rest of the image. Hashtags not only help you land the right audience for your photos, but they also catalog and organize your posts and stories into Instagram’s ever-growing library of images.

The first app on our list is AutoHash. The name pretty much spills the whole story. This neat little app generates a list of hashtags based on the uploaded image. Yep, you read that right. AutoHash analyzes the image and based on its composition you’ll get a list of related hashtags. It also adds a couple of tags based on your location. However, my personal favorite is the favorite tab.

Adding a ton of irrelevant hashtags usually comes across as a desperate call for attention. Sad but true. Hence the best option is to steer clear of redundant and irrelevant tags. Top tags is one of the best apps if you want to-the-point tags. Unlike AutoHash, it doesn’t produce tags on its own. Instead you have to tap on one of the main categories such as Food or Fashion, and it will give you a long list of related items.

Leetags lets you search through its tag database with a keyword. So if you want to search for plant related tags, simply type Plant, and the associated tags will jump out. Interestingly, it also displays the popularity of each tag in percentage. So if you want to kick out the less popular ones and add a more meaningful tag, you can do that. Once done, it is business as usual.

Last on our list is the Hashme. This one is a mix of the above three apps. You can either search for popular hashtags by uploading an image or by entering text. Once the analysis is complete, it will present you with a list showing the trending tags at the top. Unfortunately, you’ll find a couple of irrelevant ones as well. However, the app doesn’t copy all of them to the clipboard. You’ll have to tap on the ones you want and hit the Copy button.

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