Technological Innovation.

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Host Pro is a web facilitating organization in Meru, Kenya that is miles over the rest and one that has constantly set the standard for elite in the web facilitating industry. Host Pro was started in 2018 with a purpose of venturing into web hosting and domains business to empower youths and to give jobs to the young generation and also provide a web hosting company in Meru since there is none.

Being faced by challenges, marketing was one of the issue when they started with only 5 clients who had hosted their website somewhere else and now Host Pro has over 100+ clients.

What services does Host Pro offer?
Our Services include;
Shared Hosting
Reseller Hosting
Domain Registration and transfer
Business Emails Hosting
Website Design and Development
Android Design and development

What online resources do you use to help make your work easier?
We use Google ads and social media platforms.

From where you started, what makes you stand out as a company compared to your competitors?
We are the best as we are focused on affordability and youth empowerment.

Do you think further technology advances will impact your job? If yes, in what way?
As time goes by, new technologies are being invented. E.g the use of cryptocurrency. Its emerging and we have to make sure we have it as a means of payment to our clients.

For someone who has passion to venture into technology business, what 3 things would you advise before starting up?
-Be passionate with your job.
-Never give up
-A Client is always the first priority
-Make your business unique too

5 years from now, what do you think would’ve changed positively about Host pro?
5 years from now we are planning to Change how Web Hosting business is being carried. Host Pro is targeting 100,000 clients being under our servers.

What would you advise first time clients when it comes to purchasing goods and services in technology companies?
Choose the right website services for your business. And the right website services are offered only by Host Pro. Security, the extra services being offered etc.

Have you raised external capital for your company? If so, how much was it and what do you plan to do with the cash?
We plan on expanding the business by opening branches and giving opportunities to the unemployed youths.

Any expansion plans either locally, regionally or internationally?
Yes..We plan to open branches country wide so that we can reach each and every client from his/her county.

What do you think the Kenyan government can do to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship among the youth?
The Kenyan government should support the talented youth by giving funds that can help them kick off their businesses.

Keep up with Host Pro by checking out their official website

For all your tech solutions contact them on : +254794698217.

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