8 Benefits Provided by a Boutique PR Firm

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Every business needs a marketing campaign if it is to grow, and most companies hire public relations professionals to help inform the public about their goods or services. Often called ad agencies, public relations firms are actually in a class by themselves. PR experts work with the media and help brand companies using various creative methods that include press releases and special events. For decades, clients relied on huge public relations companies, but today many are switching to small or medium-sized businesses called boutique PR firms. They offer custom, personal service, fresh ideas, dedicated teams, and highly competitive rates.

1. Boutique Companies vs. the Big Guys

There is an enduring notion that boutique PR firms specialize in quirky ideas and dedicated services, which is true to a point. While smaller companies are very committed to clients’ success, their teams are also well aware of mainstream developments. They skillfully juxtapose traditional concepts with innovative techniques. For example, clients evaluating available services from violetpr.com find that the firm’s ideas are inventive but still offer the polish and sophistication of larger operations.

2. Smaller Agencies Offer Specialized Tools

Big, established PR companies typically work on a volume basis, which means that clients do not necessarily benefit from working with the most skilled professionals. Firms that focus on individual clients include committed teams with industry-leading skills.

Newer, smaller firms are tech and media savvy and apply their skills to create unique marketing campaigns. A recent Marketing Week article discussing boutique PR firms noted, “The traditional agency model has so many superfluous layers which were relevant to the time when there were three types of media. Now you have about 20 types of media, and that structure has to change.”

3. Clients Get Personalized Service

Huge network PR companies include hundreds of employees, making it unlikely that a client will get a question answered by talking to a random individual at the company. In most cases, clients are assigned managers who are familiar with their accounts. Unfortunately, account managers frequently handle several customers at a time, so getting their attention can be difficult.

In contrast, boutique firms are made up of small, committed crews. Each one is dedicated to the same ideas and is familiar with ongoing projects. Per Forbes, a client would be hard-pressed to find someone at these companies who couldn’t answer any question.

4. Every Account Matters to Boutique Firms

Each account is critical to a small firm, and team members relate to clients as individuals. That makes it easier to ensure every account gets the attention it deserves at all times. Larger companies sacrifice that kind of dedication for volume. It is just not possible for huge businesses to attend to the details of every customer’s needs.

Bigger PR firms tend to gauge their success by awards, while boutique firms feel successful when they have helped their clients. In a sense, large corporations become customers instead of actual clients.

5. Smaller Businesses Offer Innovation

Boutique PR firms consist of experienced professionals who have broken off from larger organizations, taking their skills and creativity with them. They are innovators by nature and eager to create fresh concepts. Creative teams are not afraid of new ideas since they do not have to convince higher-ups of their value. The only people they care about impressing are their clients.

6. Close-Knit Teams Provide Excellence

When clients choose boutique firms, they get the benefit of concentrated excellence. Unlike big agencies, where employees work in small groups or alone, boutique PR professionals bounce ideas off each other, taking advantage of the synergy. Everyone constantly contributes, and there are no layers or groups to get in the way of progress.

Teams also communicate more clearly and effectively because nothing is stopping them. They all attend meetings where they make decisions. There is no need for a series of follow-up meetings to present ideas to layers of employees. The smaller companies’ flat organizational structures are efficient and help produce better results for clients.

7. Prices Are More Competitive

Many clients go with boutique firms to get high-quality results at affordable prices. Boutique companies can offer better terms because their working models are cost-efficient. They are striving to build client relationships rather than run after volume. In some cases, they can keep overhead low because they do not have a central office.

Even the boutique firms with higher overhead are often very competitive because they are small compared to traditional PR organizations. They can realize cost savings in areas bigger companies cannot. Boutique firms are in a position to take work that falls below larger firms’ minimum budgets. Smaller companies have their own budgets and do not need to contribute to corporate profits. It is not uncommon for an office that is part of a conglomerate to contribute 25% of its fees to the organization.

8. Representatives Have Verifiable Track Records

Working with a boutique PR business also ensures that clients interact with the people whose reputations built the company. When customers deal with network PR firms, they have no control over which teams will handle their accounts. Some groups are better than others in every company, so customers may not always get the top-tier performers. In many cases, PR teams in large firms are never better than average.

Most customers are drawn to a PR firm because of the company’s previous work. Creative, lucrative ideas often strike a chord with clients. When customers sign on with a boutique firm, they work directly with the people who created specific campaigns, and they get a chance to tap into that genius. Senior staff also interacts directly with clients and give them their full attention. Senior staff members at huge PR firms are focused on issues like business development and may never contact clients.

When clients hire PR firms, they can choose between large traditional companies or smaller boutique firms. More and more businesses are hiring boutique firms because those service providers offer personalized service, innovative ideas, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Clients work directly with teams that designed previous campaigns and typically pay far less than they would if they were dealing with a large firm focused on volume.

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