Which Radio Stations Made It To NYC Radio Ratings List?

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When it comes to listening to the radio, every listener has a favorite radio station. It may be due to a specific show the station is broadcasting, a specific segment on sports or entertainment shows like musicals or even their news production. Whatever it is, every radio listener tunes in to their favorite station, and because of this, daily engagement radio stations are ranked according to their total listener visits. 

The more number of total listener visits means the more the radio station is superior to the others. It conveys a meaning that more people love to listen to whatever they are going to deliver. It further also converts any radio advertising into a sale since more listeners can hear and patronize a product that has been advertised. 

In the city that never sleeps, New York City, which radio stations reign supreme? Which radio stations made it to the top 40 NYC radio list? 

The Top Radio Stations And Their Hottest Coverage

For a city that never sleeps, New York City and its people are fond of listening to a radio broadcast that focuses on delivering news about current industry status, market financial updates, and current events. It’s the reason why Bloomberg Radio and CBS News Radio made it to the top of the  list

Bloomberg Radio 

Let’s start with Bloomberg Radio, with a staggering 71,619,468 total visits. Bloomberg Radio is under the umbrella of Bloomberg L.P. (Bloomberg Communications Inc.). Bloomberg Radio operates and serves on an international level, reaching a wider scope of the listening audience. 

In New York, Bloomberg Radio operates in WBBR 1130 AM, a Class A clear-channel radio station licensed to New York City. Furthermore, Bloomberg Radio is composed of 2700 journalists and analysts worldwide and the only radio station in the world that operates 24-hours globally. Not only that, but you can also listen to Bloomberg Radio on the Internet and via Bloomberg Radio+ mobile app. 

If you’re an avid listener of Bloomberg Radio, you know their popular show slogan, “The world is listening” and “It’s business, to your ears.” 

These two prominent station slogans are what Bloomberg Radio revolves around. The station mainly delivers and tackles news about the financial market, business, and the current industry situation. They also ask for participation from prominent industry analysts, economists, and influential newsmakers through conducting an insightful perspective interview. 

The latest market news from Bloomberg is the current status of the bond and stock market. Also included is the stimulus update after Joe Biden handles the reins in the White House. 

CBS News Radio 

Another news broadcasting giant, the CBS News Radio or formerly known as CBS Radio News and historically known as CBS Radio Network. CBS News Radio is one of the three original national U.S. radio networks. The original three were NBC Radio Network, Mutual Broadcasting System, and the CBS News. 

CBS News Radio operates and provides news to 1,000 radio stations across the United States, so it’s not surprising that a national radio network such as CBS News can reach 55,792,161 total visits. 

When it comes to programming, CBS News Radio focuses on delivering news and public affairs. The station offers an hourly news report and a morning and evening edition of a World News Roundup. Furthermore, CNB News Radio is composed of the industry’s best journalists and impressive reporters, including Jon Grayson, a long-time late-night talk show host based in KMOX St. Louis. 

If you want to listen to the latest updates on current news and to know the latest headlines of the hour from around the world, you can tune into CBS News Radio online called CBS Audio, their newest digital streaming. Other CBS News segments and shows are available as well. 

The Runner-Ups 

To complete the list of sought-after radio stations, here are the runner-ups that also don’t lag behind when it comes to ratings.

WADO-AM (New York, NY)

WADO-AM is a  Spanish-language sports radio format, a licensed radio station owned and operated by Uforia Audio Network. The main audience of WADO targets Hispanic, Latin, Local New Yorkers. They mainly cover the New York Knicks, New York Jets, New York Islanders of NHL (National Hockey League), and New York Yankees of MLB (Major League Baseball). 

Their show host covers all games in full Spanish language play by play coverage. Due to the mixed races of Latin and Hispanic in New York streets, WADO-AM has a total visit of 45,229,633. They also have a live webcast so you can hear them online. WADO-AM aired for 94 years since its inception in 1927.


If you want to listen to free music, you can tune in to iHeartRadio and get serenaded by many popular music. iHeartRadio is owned by iHeartMedia, an American mass media corporation in San Antonio, Texas.  It has wide coverage since five countries, such as the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Mexico, have iHeartRadio licenses. 

iHeartRadio is a streaming radio, podcast publisher, and a music recommending system broadcasting type. By the name music recommending system, it allows listeners to save and replay songs from live broadcasts in digital playlists. 

This feature has been an on-demand functionality, which is the main reason that gathers iHeartRadio more followers on air. Plus, the on-demand functionality requires a subscription, hence more sales for the iHeart Radio revenue. 

At the recent rankings, iHeartRadio landed with 27,376,705 total visits solely providing free streaming music to its listeners. 


When it comes to listening to the radio, audience tastes vary. One station mainly targets working professionals delivering fresh news on the financial market while the other focuses more on the entertainment aspect such as sports and music streaming. This shows that radio broadcasting stations filter their listeners by delivering a tailor-fit show that catches their attention. The ranking is just a representation of which of them attracts the bigger percentage in the listening community. 

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