Ficar Delivery is a food and beverage delivery service provider that is currently operating in Nyeri,Kenya.They are a customer friendly brand that is depended on by many across the country to deliver your choice of meal at your doorstep.Ficar Delivery provides you an opportunity to order from your most preferred dealer and the Ficar Delivery team does the delivery. Payment options are provided where you can make payments via Visa Card,Master Card,Paypal,Cash on delivery or through MPesa.Their objective is to offer the best services to clients and vendors .Ficar Delivery has featured brands like: Ananas,Pizza Inn,Chicken Inn and Naivas.Working hours for Ficar Delivery is from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
Ficar Delivery works in the following ways:
- Making a choice of the dealer you want to buy from is the first thing to do .Ficar Delivery provides a list of favorite vendors which you can choose from.There is also an option of finding new sellers as well.
- The picking of meals is the next thing whereby you select all the meals and drinks and add them to the cart.It is also advisable to select the accompaniments you need and add them to the cart too.
- The payment is through MPESA.When your order is complete you are expected to wait and within no time Ficar Delivery does the delivery.
- Unlike others Ficar Delivery has gone against the norms to start their business in smaller towns .This is much better since they can capture market share in an easy and laid back procedure.Ficar Delivery is unique in that it was built by people who live in Nyeri and identifies the people and their needs .Ficar Delivery operates in a small town thus only require two delivery guys to do deliveries in town.
Unlike others Ficar Delivery has gone against the norms to start their business in smaller towns .This is much better since they can capture market share in an easy and laid back procedure. Ficar Delivery is unique in that it was built by people who live in Nyeri and identifies the people and their needs .Ficar Delivery operates in a small town thus only require two delivery guys to do deliveries in town. You can contact Ficar Delivery for any inquiries from +254 740 147 010 or via email