How to go on a Low-Cost Coast Vacation

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The most frequently asked question among Kenyans who want to visit the coast is how to go on a vacation without breaking the bank.

With proper organization and prior planning, you can spend time in all the major coastal towns from Lamu to Watamu, Kilifi and Mombasa in and Diani for as low as Ksh 10,000 for one weekend.

Ways to Get There

Traveling on a Ksh10,000 budget will not provide you with enough freedom to choose flying as your mode of transportation, but it will provide you with a comfortable ride on the Standard Gauge Railway, which charges Ksh 1,000 for the standard coach.

The SGR now has three train services, which has reduced ticket demand. There is one intercounty service that departs in the morning from both Mombasa and Nairobi. There are two express trains, one in the afternoon and one at midnight that departs at 10 p.m. and arrives at 4 a.m.

Where Can I Sleep?

A night in a hotel may cost Ksh 5,000 per person; however, staying in a private villa or on Airbnb can reduce the cost to Ksh 2,500 for an entire apartment. If you are planning a longer stay, you can contact the owner and request a discount.

What You Should Eat and Drink

Some advantages of staying in an Airbnb or a private villa include the ability to cook for yourself, which is less expensive than eating out. You can also have a taste of street food and Swahili cuisine that is much more affordable and flexible than hotel food.

How to Get Around?

Forget about taxi apps and instead take advantage of the local tuk-tuks, which are a very inexpensive mode of transportation. A matatu would also suffice for a long journey. Make contact with a reputable local tour guide who can assist you in obtaining discounted access to destinations, sites, and activities.

Group Dynamics

Traveling in a group is a great way to share your experiences with your loved ones while also saving money. Because the expense is spread out over a larger number of people, economies of scale assist you in lowering the cost of lodging and meals.

As you plan your trip to the Kenyan coast, keep in mind that the best time to visit is during the low season (January to March and May to October).

During the peak season, demand raises the prices of everything except the SGR fare.

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