Check Form One Admission School Online And Via SMS

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Prof. George Makoha, Cabinet Secretary for Education, promised that the selection and placement of KCPE candidates have been and will continue to be fair. According to him, the form one placement process would be based on merit and regional balance.

How Do I Check My Form One Selection?

You can check the placement of 2019 KCPE candidates using the two methods.

Using Short Code 22263 for SMS

  • Send your KCPE candidate number to the number 22263. You will receive an SMS response with information about your form one 2020 placement.

Please keep in mind that the SMS will cost you Ksh. 25 on all mobile networks.ds listed below.

Using Ministry of Education Portal

  • Visit Ministry of Education website
  • Select services and then click the form. 2020 form with one selection There will be one selection with three options (National, Extra County, or County Schools)
  • Choose one, such as National School.
  • Select the school where the candidate took the KCPE form from the dropbox (either County or Sub-County)
  • Enter the candidate number and press the submit button. Allow data to be processed by the page.
  • Your results will be displayed if the student has been assigned to any school (Candidates Name, Index No, KCPE Marks and school selected to and School type).

How Can I Get Form One Placement Admission Letters?

To download or print the admission letter for 2019 KCPE candidates, follow the steps below.

  • Go to the Ministry of Education’s website at
  • Select Online Services and then click the form. 2020 has one option. A form one selection page with three options will appear (National, Extra County, or County Schools)
  • Choose one (say National School)
  • Select the school where the candidate took the KCPE form from the dropbox (either County or Sub-county)
  • Enter the candidate number and press the submit button. Allow data to be processed by the page.
  • Your results will be displayed if the student has been assigned to any school (Candidates Name, Index No, KCPE Marks, and school selected to and type of the school).
  • Click “admission letter” at the bottom of the page.
  • You can either print the letter right away or download it and print it later. To download, select the download icon. To print, select the printer icon. Visit the candidate’s school where he or she took the exam for Headteacher endorsement.
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