Esports, What is it and Who are The Leading Teams Right Now?

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The Esports scene has picked up tremendously over the past few years. Since its inception at the beginning of the 20th century, it has become not just a form of entertainment but also one amongst competition between game players and spectators alike.  

Its continued popularity has seen many platforms introduce newer and better teams and players, with prize pools increasing every few months, not to mention spectators. There are many different types of eSports as well as games to choose from, some of which include the ever-popular League of Legends and Counter-Strike.

So what are the biggest names in 2020? We take a look at these and more below.

Popular Leading eSports Games With Large Pool Prizes

Esports or Electronic Sports, are standard video games offered by companies around the world. Unlike traditional games we see on television, these are a more competitive type of video gaming selections. According to Forbes magazine, some of the most valuable Esports companies in 2020 include TSM which is valued at over $140 million which gets its revenues from this form of entertainment at a whopping 50%. 

Cloud9 is another popular company that has invested its entirety in the esports gaming world, worth just over $300 million and 70% of its revenues come from esports. Team Liquid, Faze Clan and 100 Thieves are amongst the top names in the industry too, all with revenues similar to its competitors, in the millions.

It is mainly because of these revenues that their prize pools are just as high and the opportunities for winning are tremendous. 

Some Of The Most Popular eSports Games

Suffice to say that if you want to win money on these video games, you need to go for the ones that have the most spectators and revenues. A list of these are included below:

  • Overwatch 
  • Call of Duty
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 
  • League of Legends,
  • Dota 2 

And many more.

What Equipment Best Serves Esports

There are many ways to play esports online, however, there are a few that make the games worthwhile. These include paying for them on Xbox, Playstation and Pcs as well. The matches are played online via an internet connection and some of the biggest sports offer players millions of prizes in money and free goodies. 

These can be paid out in cash or digital currency, which has become the new craze around the world. You may be familiar with the concept of winning cash prizes, but have you ever wondered how the new craze of blockchain fit into eSports? We look at this form of digital currency that is taking the nation by storm.

Blockchain and Esports – How They Are Related

Blockchain technology is a system of recording information via lengthy and complicated code, that makes it almost impossible for any hackers to infiltrate the platforms. It is the mechanism used to make transactions from one person to the other using digital currency such as Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. In other words, it is the technology that makes it possible to send and receive digital money and has one of the highest forms of security.

The ‘block’ in blockchain technology is similar to a ledger that accountants or bookkeepers keep. When someone makes a transaction using this methodology it is recorded into a block, and this act is known as Digital Ledger Technology or DLT for short. When something changes within this block, it is picked up as an indication of tampering.

There are tons of reasons why people should use blockchain in esports or any type of online gaming betting or money transfers as well:

  • It is anonymous
  • It is secure
  • It can be programmed
  • It is unanimous
  • It can be evenly distributed
  • It created a time-stamped record

When making transactions and dealing with money online, there is always an issue of trust that many think of before considering sending or receiving any amount of money. Banks have always tried their best to maintain a safe and secure platform for their customers, but blockchain technology has gone way beyond that because it is essentially run by the same people that use it, thus it is of the highest security and precaution.

Blockchain in Esports

When it comes to esports using this type of highly mechanized technology, many countries, such as the Australian gaming companies, for instance, have embraced the idea due to its versatility. Some of the reasons for this are: It has helped enhance fan interaction and incentivises engagement, it provides a new pathway for revenues which means more options for loyalty programs and teams. It has also been seen to enhance the possibilities of betting and exchanging collectables for money. All these further develop the platforms and provide both players and spectators with an even better experience. 

Blockchain technology isn’t limited, and this is why a lot of companies such as consensus have started incorporating it into their platforms and providing people with a means to an end. This option helps them and companies like them to create meaningfully experienced while also creating increased net incomes, so they can continue to provide to the fans what they have always wanted and more – esports rewards and incentives. 

5 of the Biggest Esports Teams

Some of the leading teams in esports, according to our research are listed below:

  1. Virtus. pro ($15m) – competing in games such as Dota, Fortnite and Counter-Strike.
  2. Fnatic ($16m) – in the UK this is one of the biggest ones. 
  3. Evil Geniuses ($24m) – a US organisation has become one of the biggest names around the world. 
  4. OG ($34m) – is one of the top highest-earning teams known for their ‘Dota 2’ team.
  5. Team Liquid (36m) – a Dutch clan that started in 2000, playing Dota 2 and has players from all over the world. 

Why not join the rankings and see what you are made of? Or better yet, play with them online and see how much you can win!

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