3 Websites to Convert Excel to PDF for Free

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PDFs have become universal and are also used in almost every office worldwide & most companies and organizations prefer PDF over any other file format due to the fact that data transfer and handling is much easier in PDF than in any other file format, it is easy to open PDF on any platform and it is universal, accepted worldwide.

If you have a file in any other format such as Excel or Word then you will most probably be asked to convert it into PDF and then submit it again. This is a thing that most people face, they have to convert the files that they made in other formats to PDF.

Here are the reasons people convert Excel to PDF and other file conversion formats:

  1. Keep Data Secure

Converting Excel to PDF can help keep data secure and unedited because a PDF is a permanent document. Think of a PDF file as an imaging finish, allowing users to easily read the data without the ability to make immediate modifications.

After finalizing a report, for instance, you can convert Excel to PDF and utilize the converted file or PDF as a permanent record for bookkeeping purposes. Furthermore, you can encrypt the document with a password for added data security.

  1. Make Edits Anytime

On the other hand, many people convert Excel to PDF, PDF to Excel, or PDF to Word to edit texts directly within the digital file. This file format conversion is especially helpful when making significant changes to the PDF because people are more familiar with and comfortable editing files in Microsoft Word or Excel.

In addition, PDF to Excel and PDF to Word converters make usually challenging tasks simpler and easier. That way, you spend less time retyping and more time making significant file progress. Regardless of the file conversion you want to do, you’ll find reliable tools for free to perform any of these tasks.

Today, we will be taking a look at 3 Websites to Convert Excel to PDF for Free. These websites offer the conversion of Excel to PDF for free, without the need of downloading any additional software.

1. GetLua.com – Lua PDF Converter

At the top of the list is Lua, which is a free online PDF converter that requires no download or registration. It offers the conversion of PDF to Word DOC, Excel, JPG, PNG, PPT, and HTML files, or convert to PDF on the cloud.

If you are looking for the best website for the conversion of PDFs into different file formats or different file formats into PDFs then look nowhere else as Lua has got you covered with a list of different conversion tools including PDF to Word, Excel to PDF, PPT to PDF, JPG to PDF, and various other.

You can easily convert your Excel files into PDFs on Lua. All you have to do is just upload the file there and let everything be taken care of. The files are converted in a few seconds and after that, you can download the converted file. You also needn’t worry about the security of the files, as everything is done on a secure platform and all the files are uploaded within 24 hours.

2. Smallpdf.com

Smallpdf is another website that has various tools available to cater to your PDF needs. It has a free trial available and you can also subscribe to one of its subscription plans if you find the website useful. Whether it is the conversion of PDFs, editing PDFs, compressing PDFs, or any other thing, you can get it done through Smallpdf.

If you need to convert Excel to PDF then consider it done as Smallpdf has a lot of different PDF conversion tools available, out of which Excel to PDF is one of them.

3. iLovePDF.com

iLovePDF is another amazing website that features a lot of different tools that can solve your PDF-related problems such as the conversion of different file formats into PDF, conversion of PDF into different file formats, PDF compressor, PDF merger, and several other tools. You can trust iLovePDF with all of your PDF-related problems because it has a lot of different tools that you will need.

One of such tools available on iLovePDF is Excel to PDF Converter that converts any excel files into PDF for free and the conversion process is really fast and quick, taking a few moments only.

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