Artificial Intelligence in Education

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The Benefits of Using AI in Education

Almost everyone is now talking about the use of artificial intelligence in various spheres of life. What are the benefits of using AI in education? Undoubtedly, this is scalable personalization of learning processes. And, first of all, this applies to standard knowledge and skills, such as technical. The machine can select material and exercises for the learner based on test results, expressed preferences, and interests. AI can provide biology, chemistry, math homework help if students have questions and difficulties with academic assignments. These are far from all the advantages of AI in education – let’s take a closer look at them.

Artificial Intelligence and Teacher Assistants

Today, there is ample opportunity to develop AI teaching assistants who can offer answers to relatively simple student questions. Artificial intelligence and analytics, in general, do not replace people, their expertise and experience, as well as intuition – they complement them. We can give a simple example: the streaming service Netflix selects for the viewer, depending on his emotional state, manifested in the viewing history, one or another version of the same show. Moreover, the service produces special socks that contain a small RFID device. He can track that the viewer is already close to falling asleep, and the viewed show is paused. Educational companies actively use the same technology, and in the future, we may see these robotic assistants.

Artificial Intelligence and Student Preferences

The same person on different days can perceive information in different ways. Artificial intelligence can determine when and what material will be better perceived by a particular student by the set goals. Online learning is growing exponentially, and the question of how to use targeting as one of the tools of online education is becoming more acute: to adjust processes for a specific student, depending on his emotional state and other factors. Artificial intelligence in real-time can track how a student is assimilating the material. Depending on this, the intelligent assistant will signal the teacher that it is time to move on to the next topic or, perhaps, the teacher needs to give some additional examples from the previous one. Also, artificial intelligence can track whether the student becomes bored and whether it is possible to tell him any joke or anecdote to divert his attention.

Artificial Intelligence and Personalization of Services

Personalization of services is one of the main areas of application of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to significantly and quickly scale processes to a wide audience without losing the personal presence of the teacher. It is possible to prescribe and automate thousands of different scenarios for the development of the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of each student. Simply put, the entire map of possible scenarios for the development of events is thought out in advance, and then it is introduced into the educational process using AI.

Artificial Intelligence and Automatic Assessment

Today, a specialized computer program based on artificial intelligence mimics a teacher’s behavior who grades essays written in an educational environment. The program can assess students’ knowledge, analyze their answers, give feedback, and draw personalized learning plans. Yes, AI does not evaluate articles and teachers, but it is very strict about mistakes made in academic papers. Therefore, if you have any difficulties writing essays, coursework, dissertations, you can always turn to Studybay experts for help.

Artificial Intelligence and Intermediate Learning Interval

The programmers have created a program that tests knowledge that you may have forgotten. Its essence lies in the fact that the AI keeps track of what and when you learned. Thanks to this, the program can find out the information you most likely could have forgotten and recommend repeating.

Artificial Intelligence and Teacher Feedback

Over the years, teachers have been evaluating each other’s skills. However, now this is no longer done using paper, but more often using a chatbot with AI. They can collect opinions through an interactive interface, like a real interviewer. In addition, this program can find out the reasons for this or that opinion.

Artificial Intelligence and Chat Campus

This project can help students who have just come to the Campus to get comfortable. Chat Campus will always be happy to explain how to get to the right office, tell you how and where to submit the necessary documents.

Artificial Intelligence and Proctoring

Distance learning usually involves distance examinations. However, teachers must ensure that the student writes the assigned exam independently. Therefore, teachers use protection systems based on artificial intelligence. Proctoring or Proctored Test is a tool with which teachers can ensure the authenticity of the test taker and prevent attempts to cheat through the virtual inspector present during the exam.

Artificial Intelligence as a Subject of the Educational Program

In the spring of 2019, it became known that directors introduced artificial intelligence lessons in Chinese schools. According to China Daily, East China Normal University has produced a 10-volume series of textbooks on artificial intelligence and sent it to hundreds of schools across the country.

The textbooks collect data on the history of AI, ways of using this technology in the face recognition system, autonomous driving, safety, and other areas. The Chinese government has included Artificial Intelligence as a compulsory academic discipline for students of primary and secondary school. High school students have the right to choose: whether to study AI or switch to other subjects necessary for admission to college or university.

AI tutorials allow teachers to use both the hands and the brains of the students. After familiarization with the theoretical material, teachers can conduct practical exercises to improve students’ knowledge. Also, this is done to give students the necessary elementary knowledge of the subject and reveal and realize their creativity, imagination to the maximum.

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