5 Ways to Create Cool Spotify Playlists

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It’s cool to listen to music that matches your mood when you are betting at 22bet.ng/mobile/, for example. Spotify has millions of tunes you can listen to you want, but where do you take the time to thoroughly dig through that variety and find the best ones? Making playlists by hand, adding tunes one at a time, is a long job.

In this era of streaming, access to delightful music at a good price is essential. Wherever you listen to music, you’re obviously listening to streaming, often without realizing it. It’s equally important to know the sources where you can search for music and the tools to make playlists quickly and efficiently. We simply have too little time to pick up tunes one at a time by hand, with no one else’s help.

So if you want to create a killer playlist without sacrificing a few hours of your time, we’ll tell you about a few tools designed to make cool Spotify playlists. 

The Playlist Miner

The first two tools are offered by the same manufacturer, Playlist Machinery. Suppose you are in a particular mood, indulge in a particular activity, or want to listen to a particular genre of music. The Playlist Miner works like a search engine and when you enter terms like “slow,” “workout,” or “holiday,” it searches the Spotify playlists that most closely match the keywords.

The program connects to your Spotify account and then displays playlists that match the entered word. You can select matching works to see personalized recommendations and the number of tune scores, finding out how many playlists those tunes are labeled with the same keyword.

Boil the Frog

Have you ever had the desire to listen to two different artists or music of different styles without having to choose one? Try Boil the frog by creating a seamless playlist of the work of two different artists.

This tool takes the first artist and, using similar and related works,  moves on to the next artist you enter. If this path from one artist to the next appeals to you, you can save it among your Spotify playlists.


One option for creating automatically generated playlists is Spotibot. Enter the artist’s name and you’ll get a playlist with up to 50 tunes. In addition, you can give preference to the most popular songs.

You can also use Spotibot to create short links and get more information about albums, biographies, artwork, and more.

Magic Playlist

Need a playlist that’s made in seconds just for you? With Magic Playlist, you only need the name of one piece of music, genre, or mood that you can mix your playlist with. And in return, you’ll get 29 tunes similar to the original piece.

If you log into Spotify through Magic Playlist, it will be convenient to add the playlists you create to Spotify. The MP allows you to give each playlist a different name and choose the degree of access for it.

Discover Weekly

Discover Weekly is Spotify’s own playlist available to every user with premium status. Every Monday, Spotify updates this playlist with 30 new songs, which it relies on the tunes you’ve already listened to.

Not only is this a great way to get a new playlist with no effort, but it’s also an opportunity to learn about new music that you can add to other playlists. 

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