Questions to ask before hiring a public adjuster

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Delicate matters related to property always require the special attention of professionals. That is why a wise person always engages a competent public insurance adjuster to survive the moment of crisis without any obstacle.

But, it is not the end. Irrespective of the situation, everyone must ask some inevitable questions to public adjusters before employing them. Let’s have a look at some of these questions.

  1. Can you show me your license?

This is the first question you must ask while employing a public adjuster. It is a matter of your property, so do not compromise with it. Whenever you appoint a public adjuster, check their license without any negligence. The permit must be fully verified, authorized, and accurate. The only official proof carries the adjuster’s credibility, experience, skills, and knowledge. Sometimes, public adjusters work for someone else. But you should not hire one without a valid license. Additionally, make sure to check whether the request is applicable in your country or not.

  • What types of claims do you handle?

As per before finalizing your deal with a public adjuster, it is crucial to know what kind of claims they usually handle. If their answer matches your criteria, you can hire them. But, if it doesn’t, you can look for something more.

  • Will you handle my claim by yourself or involve someone else?

Sometimes, after paying a public adjuster, he can transfer your assertions to someone else’s hand. During your consultation, if you forget to ask this particular question, it might cause your disadvantages in the future. For instance, you engage a specific adjuster after a session because the person seems to be the perfect one for you. But, if they handover your case to somebody else, the second person might or might not fit according to your preferences. Therefore, it is an essential question you have to ask a public adjuster before making your final decision.

  • Can you give me some references for your previous customers near this area?

It is essential to contact the previous customers who have hired your chosen public adjuster before you. In this way, you can ask them questions about the company, their working method, behavior, knowledge, expertise, etc. If you get a positive answer, you can hire them. Otherwise, you can look for some more options. So, when you enter the office of a public adjuster, do not forget to ask them about their former customers and their details.

  • What is the payment method?

As per do not forget to ask the public adjuster about their payment system and overall fee structure. Keep it in mind as it plays a significant role in the entire process. In this field, public adjusters only get paid once you get back your money. So, if a public adjuster is demanding money from you in advance, reject them. It is entirely unethical and illegal. Only hire the one who is maintaining all policies and not asking for an up-front fee. 

  • How many cases are you currently dealing with?

A public adjuster may deal with more than one or two cases at a time. But, in case the number is more than your thought, you can reject them. Well, when a public adjuster takes multiple cases at a time, it becomes impossible for them to concentrate on a particular case.

Therefore, there is a high chance your case can get neglected, and it becomes problematic and unethical. On the other hand, if the public adjuster is dealing with only one case, maybe he is not that competent. So, go for the one who has few cases in hand so that your case can get special consideration and attention.


These, in brief, were some of the inevitable topics you must sort out with your public adjuster while engaging. These questions tell a lot about the skill, knowledge, background, budget, and reliability of your chosen public adjuster. Depending on the answers, you can continue or discontinue your journey with the adjuster.

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