Power BI AI to transform your business

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Regardless of industry, all organisations generate and depend on data, however, not all business harness data in a meaningful way. Organisations will need to develop a data culture, creating an environment where every team and every individual is empowered to do great things because of the data at their fingertips. In a data culture:

  • everyone benefits when more people can ask questions and get answers. 
  • the entire effectiveness of an organization can elevate. 

This is especially true when every employee can harness the power of data once only reserved for data scientists and, by using Artificial Intelligence (AI), tap into the power of natural language, self-service business insights and visualization capabilities. 

With the right tools, insights can come from anyone, anywhere, at any time. When that happens, organizations develop what we describe as a “data culture” – paving the way for innovation and agility within an organization.

Microsoft Power BI helps you truly transform your organization and unleash the full potential of your people. It provides the essential tools needed to empower your organization to harness data and unlock insights. Power BI provides access to a collection of pre-trained machine learning models and also offer an insights feature on a growing set of advanced analytical algorithms developed with Microsoft Research. 

Ask questions using natural language

Data is everywhere now – but the average employee typically struggles to manage and interpret it. This is where AI can help – it augments the average employees’ analytical skills. With Power BI, we’re using AI to transform data querying – in Power BI, you can ask questions in natural language or even with your voice, rather than having to dig through a huge number of datasets and visualizations.

Discover hidden insights

AI can also help discover trends and outliers with quick insights. The new Insights feature in Power BI help users spot important insights with just a few clicks. Within minutes hidden patterns, category outliers, correlation and anomalies are displayed in a series of visuals.

According to Gartner, 50% of analytical queries will be generated via search, natural-language processing or voice, or will be automatically generated. 58% of IT decision-makers are researching or trialing AI in their organizations, and employee productivity is one of the top applications. Get ahead of the curve with tools like Quick Insights and Q&A in Power BI.

Partnering with Microsoft, Data Bear, a London based Business Intelligence consulting firm offers Power BI AI demonstrations for organisations interested in potential value offering. “Many are aware of the potential of AI to transform their business, however, they are held back by a perception that is involves costly and time consuming engagements to see results.”, says Data Bear Founder Johann Joubert. Power BI connects directly to your data sources and, without needing any “experts”, with a few simple clicks, it begins delivering AI insights. The speed and ease of use is mind-blowing. 

Create a single source of truth

The starting point for building a data-driven culture is establishing a single source of truth. We make this easy with Power BI, a modern BI cloud service that connects to all of your data, wherever it lives, in the cloud or on premises, Microsoft or non-Microsoft. It delivers insights to you in any way, anywhere, from mobile to web, as well as embedded in apps, both first party and third party.​​​​ 

Using AI Visuals

Outside of the built in Natural Language and Quick Insights features, Power BI offers many AI visuals that analysts can use to help drive business change. The Key Influencers visual helps you understand the factors that drive a metric you’re interested in. It analyses your data, ranks the factors that matter, and displays them as key influencers. 

The Decomposition Tree visual in Power BI lets you visualise data across multiple dimensions. Using AI, you can ask it to find the next dimension to drill down into based on certain criteria. This makes it a valuable tool for ad hoc exploration and conducting root cause analysis.

The Data Bear team provides Power BI training and Power BI consulting services which empowers analysts to use Power BI to unlock hidden insights and use AI to transform your business. 

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