Dev1Ce Breaks a Monitor During a Tournament

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Fans of the CS: GO player dev1ce were very excited for him, especially after he moved to NiP. He was expected to take the team to its best potential, and many were eager to support him by betting on Not long ago, though, the player did something that shocked many – out of rage, he broke a monitor during a tournament. He was leading the game, but that changed very fast as the lead was taken from him in a closing moment. Even though it wasn’t the most violent incident in an eSports tournament, it was still something that a lot didn’t expect. 

How Did It Happen?

The game was unfolding and Entropiq was trailing. Dev1ce was the one who was in the lead, after dropping four players. Entropiq feared him, and they almost didn’t have any hope left for this match, expecting to lose. Even though they were in power, dev1ce wasn’t going to give them any chance to win. There was a 3v5 about to happen. But after a while, Entropiq won the map after Krad, one of their members, dropped dev1ce. 

As you can imagine, this didn’t feel too great for dev1ce. The Danish superstar got so angry that he took his revenge on a monitor. He used his fist to punch the monitor, breaking it in the process. Despite not being the most violent hit ever, it caused the monitor to malfunction, as it seemed to have paused the game. Dev1ce was rubbing his hand after the hit as well. 

“We do have a technical timeout so you guys can speculate as to why that might be the case,” is what the caster said. 

Even though dev1ce was congratulated for all the effort he made, it was still proven by Krad that one kill is all it takes to take over the game. The display of aggression from dev1ce was even caught on stream, and it shows how the monitor started flickering and distorting after the punch. 

What Happened Afterwards? 

Ninjas in Pyjamas ended up winning the game. But dev1ce still wasn’t too pleased with the round, particularly when he was thinking of his efforts and how everything was taken away from him. As for the display of aggression, it was shocking for everyone watching. 

It isn’t known what happened to the monitor yet. Who knows, maybe it will be given as an auction piece for fans of dev1ce.

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