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How To Get Brands To Notice You On Instagram

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So you’re ready to take the next step on your Insta-journey and start earning a little side income hey?

Or, maybe you’re just busting to try out new products & build relationships with people in the industry by working with brands. But, despite what you wish was true, working with brands, let alone getting them to notice you, isn’t always the easiest task when it comes to Instagram.

1. Create High-Quality Content

Although this might seem incredibly obvious, creating unique & high-quality content is the number one thing you need to focus on if you’re serious about working with brands. Brands need to know why you are the perfect match for them – don’t be afraid to toot your own horn and show off whatever it is that makes YOU. Embrace your skills & qualities and show brands that you are damn good at what you do! And, once you’ve built a beautiful, cohesive Instagram theme, brands are bound to fall in love with your content & want to work with you.

2. Engage With Others In Your Niche

One of the best ways to get your name out there on Instagram is to engage with others. Now, I’m not talking just about anyone and everyone, I’m talking about others within your niche. By focusing on engaging purely with accounts in the same niche as you, you will be getting in front of the right brand’s eyes.  For example, let’s say you’re a beauty blogger & you want to get the attention of Bobbi Brown.

Do you think Bobbi Brown would be checking out photos of poached eggs on toast at a pop-up cafe in Melbourne? I think not. So, engage with content that directly relates to the type of content that you create on your own feed and your chances of getting noticed by brands is even higher.

Using generic “this is cute” or “love your profile” comments won’t gain the attention of brands, so let’s just wipe them out of the equation altogether, shall we? So what type of comments should you be writing on these posts to spark the interest of brands?

It’s simple really! You could ask questions about the brand they’re talking about, why they believe it’s so good or shows your interest in trying it also (without seeming needy). You’d be surprised how many Instagram brand partnerships have come about from me commenting on other ‘grammers posts!

3. Work With Brands

Say what?!  Yep, you read that right.

When you show brands that you are eager to work with brands, don’t be shy about working with other brands.   Chances are you’ve learned how to converse with their marketing team, commit to deadlines, meet posting requirements, etc.

Don’t be afraid to work with “competitor” brands – there is totally nothing wrong with working with multiple brands in the same industry. After all, just like how your content is unique in its own way compared to every other beauty/food/wellness Instagrammer ever, brands too have their own USP (unique selling point).

4.Tag Your Favorite Brands

Where necessary, tagging brands in your content is one of the smartest ways to grab their attention. Each time you tag a brand in your post, whether that be in the caption or the photo itself, Instagram sends them a notification. 

Although tagging brands do get their attention, I highly advise against tagging brands purely just for the sake of getting their attention.  Only tag where necessary.

Don’t go tagging brands willy nilly – brands don’t appreciate being spammed with tags by Instagrammer’s desperate to grab their attention. Take notes from our last point – be honest & be sincere. Only tag them if it fits the post. So, if a brand does match your content and it’s the perfect fit, tag away girlfriend! Brands love to see customers sharing their products & tagging them in their photos! 

5. Maintain a personal and professional profile 

Just before, we touched on showing off your skills. Now, it’s time to show off your personality & your professionalism. Posting derogative content will send brands running in the opposite direction so just avoid doing this altogether, okay? In everything, you do on Instagram, whether that be sharing content on your own feed or commenting on other people’s posts, be professional in all you do.

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