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How To Get Your First Job On Upwork

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Interested in getting your first job on Upwork?

In this day and age, everyone needs an extra hustle to bring in some extra money. There are many legal ways to make money but it’s easy to give up when you don’t really know your way around. Upwork is a site that connects people to different jobs depending on your level of experience, many people tend to think it doesn’t work but could there be a secret on how to get your first job? here’s how to do it.

1.Create a bright profile
The very first step to get your first job on Upwork is to make a bright and attractive profile. It is very easy to make a profile, but it is really very difficult to make it an attractive one. A damn profile is surely going to damn your career as a freelancer also. So, be conscious of making a good and presentable profile so that your client may be pleased with your personality and feel tempted to hire you. Here you go with some effective tips on the important things that really matter to your client and to your job.

2. Have a good profile overview
An overview is the most important thing in your profile that will set you apart from the other contractor. So, think over it what you should write in this overview part to make your client attracted. Focus on your skill that may be helpful for your client. Ask yourself why your client should hire you over the other worker. Ask yourself and answer it in the overview smartly. Make an overview of three or four paragraphs and try to stick within 1000 characters. The too lengthy overview will destroy your focus. Don’t make it boring with unnecessary words.

3. Get a fancy profile picture
Oh, you know very well that there is hardly any chance to meet your client directly to impress him. But your profile picture is that important thing that will work like a bridge between you and your client. Your client will be able to see you through your picture. You must bear in mind that a picture speaks a thousand words. So, it is very important to think deeply while choosing a profile picture. Don’t put here any serious, sober, or reserved image of you. Rather a smiling face is liked by all. After all, a smiling face is preferred by any client to a thousand words.

4. Choose a good hourly rate
Really, it’s a very embarrassing thing to discuss. But we cannot ignore it or your client. There are many clients who judge a worker according to their working rate. So, you must set your rate wisely while bidding. If you are confused about what your rate should be then check out other employees’ rates. But we recommend you to set a reasonable price always. Remember that if your price is too low it will make the impression that your working quality is also very low. On the other hand, if you bid too high you will lose many clients because of their budget. So, bid reasonably to get your first work on Upwork.

5. Create a strong resume
Your resume works as a showcase of your skill and experience. So, don’t forget to skip a single skill of yours. Arrange all of your skills in a Descending way. Remember that your client will judge you with every detail you put on here. So, build up a strong resume to catch up the attention of your client. Simply make a list of them. Also include the information of how long you have been using these skills in your past.

6. Take tests
You know there are some clients who take your tests into a great account. There are a lot of tests in freelancing. You must take the tests relevant to your work. Tests reflect your speciality.  It is very necessary to take tests and show your result to the clients. And the best way of it is to show your result on the top of your profile. It is really very helpful to impress your client and to get the first job on Upwork.

7. Create an effective portfolio
Try to create an effective and rich portfolio. Clients often look over it to verify your experience. If you don’t have enough work to make a portfolio then you must work for it. It is like a key to your job. You cannot ignore it at all. To enrich your portfolio you may start your own website and work in it and start a blog to show your client your skill.

8. Remain active
There is no room for laziness in the land of freelancing. If you remain inactive you will lose many opportunities. So, try to remain active as much as possible. Concentrate on your work and overcome your laziness.

9. Make a killer proposal
You must make a killer cover letter for getting your first job. If you may impress your client with your cover letter it will be very easy for you to get the job. Highlight all your important skills and experience regarding your work. Explain to your client how you may be an asset to him. Make him believe that you are the only person to meet his necessity. Make your proposal a smart one to attract your client. Don’t use any template anywhere. Always try to make a unique piece of writing of your own.

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