How To Download Apps On Windows 10

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Leaving the Apple ecosystem for a PC means leaving your apps behind, so switchers to Windows 10 notebooks will need to start looking for new programs for both work and play. This means finding the Windows Store, which has its own app, just like the Mac App Store.

1. Tap the Windows icon to open the Start menu

2. Select the Windows Store icon.

3. If you logged into Windows with your Microsoft login, skip to step 8. If you are using  a local account, Tap the Add user icon next to the Search box.

4. Select Sign In.

5. Select Microsoft account. 

6. Enter your username and password and select Sign in. If you don’t have a Microsoft account, we’ve got instructions for creating them.

7. Enter your PC’s login password and select Next to change your login account to your Microsoft account, or click “Sign in to just this app instead” to keep your PC’s login as-is.

8. Find an app you want to download and tap the button with its price to begin the installation.

Well done, you’ve installed an app in Windows 10!

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