How to Create Meeting Notes Directly From Google Calendar.

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It is critical to take notes during meetings. You can include a list of attendees, action items, and any important comments. You can create meeting notes directly from the event in Google Calendar.

The notes template can be created with the click of a button. Then, when the time comes, add your meeting items to it in Google Docs. A link to the notes is still available in the Google Calendar event for all attendees.

(Note: Follow the steps below while logged in to your Google account and using a desktop-class browser. In addition, you must be the meeting organizer or have permission to modify the Calendar event details to add a new Google Doc with meeting notes.)

Create Meeting Notes Using Google Calendar

  • You can create meeting notes from the event on the calendar screen or the event detail page when you create the event or later.
  • On the main Google Calendar page, click the Add Description or Attachments section to create a new event. Create Meeting Notes is the option that appears.
  • Click “Take Meeting Notes” for an existing event on the main Google Calendar page.
  • On the event detail page for a new or existing event, scroll down to the Description section. Click the “Create Meeting Notes” button.
  • You’ll then be directed to Google Docs, where you’ll find a meeting notes template. There will be sections for action items and notes, as well as the event name, date, and attendees.
  • If you want, you can make changes to the notes or simply close them and reopen them when your meeting time arrives. Your changes are saved automatically, just like they are in any other Google Docs document.

Access the Meeting Notes

  • The Create Meeting Notes option you chose initially creates a link to the notes in Google Docs.
  • When the meeting time arrives, simply click the link to the notes in the event, on the event detail page, or go to Google Docs, where the template was saved. Add your items to the meeting notes, and all changes you make will be saved automatically.
  • Any attendee listed on the event invitation can also access the notes in Google Docs by clicking that link. As a result, all event attendees are informed.

Remember this tip for your Google Calendar event for a quick and easy way to capture notes for your next meeting.

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