How to Clear Your Windows 11 Cache

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You should clear various caches on your PC regularly to improve performance and keep it clean. That’s what we’ll show you how to do in Windows 11.

Cache files are temporary files generated by various applications and services. Clearing these files usually doesn’t cause any problems with your apps because they will recreate them as needed. You can also configure Windows to clear cache files for you, as we’ll explain below.

How to Clear Cache Using Disk Cleanup

Using the built-in Disk Cleanup tool is an easy way to remove various caches from Windows 11. This tool will automatically locate and remove cache files for you.

  • To use the tool, go to the “Start” menu and type “Disk Cleanup” into the search box. In the search results, select the tool.
  • Click the “Drives” drop-down menu in the small “Disk Cleanup” window that appears, and then select the drive where you installed Windows 11. Then press the “OK” button.
  • A “Disk Cleanup” window will appear. Enable all boxes in the “Files to Delete” section to remove all cache files. Then, at the bottom, press the “OK” button.
  • To confirm deleting your cache, click “Delete Files” in the prompt that appears.

That’s the end of it. The cache files you chose are now removed from your computer.

How to Clear the Microsoft Store Cache

Microsoft Store, like other apps, saves cache files on your computer. To remove these files, use the Run box to launch a utility.

  • To begin, open the Run box by pressing the Windows+R keys together.
  • Enter the following into the Run box and press Enter:
  • On your screen, a blank black window will appear. Wait for this window to close on its own.
  • When you close the window, your Microsoft Store cache is cleared.

If you have an Android phone, clearing the cache of an app can help you avoid problems with the app.

How to Delete Your Location Cache

It is just as important to clear your location data cache as it is to clear other cache files.

  • To clear your PC’s location history, launch the Settings app by pressing the Windows+i keys simultaneously.
  • Select “Privacy & Security” from the left sidebar of Settings.
  • Click “Location” in the “App Permissions” section on the “Privacy & Security” page.
  • Click “Clear” next to “Location History” on the “Location” page.
  • That’s the end of it. Your location cache will be deleted by Windows 11.
  • If you’re an Apple user, you might be interested in learning how to free up storage space on an iPhone or iPad.

How to Flush the DNS Cache

To clear the DNS cache, launch the Windows Terminal app on your computer.

  • Begin by opening the “Start” menu, searching for “Windows Terminal,” and then selecting the app from the search results.
  • Enter the following command into Windows Terminal. This command can be used in both the PowerShell and Command Prompt shells.
  • When the DNS cache is deleted, you will receive a success message.
  • You’re all set.

How to Use Storage Sense to Clear Cache Automatically

  • You can use Windows 11’s built-in Storage Sense feature to automatically clear your PC’s cache at regular intervals. You can choose which cache types to clear, and the feature will only delete those cache files.
  • To use the feature, open the Settings app by pressing the Windows+i keys simultaneously.
  • Select “System” from the left sidebar of Settings.
  • Click “Storage” on the “System” page.
  • Click “Storage Sense” in the “Storage” menu.
  • Turn on the “Automatic User Content Cleanup” option at the top of the “Storage Sense” page. The Storage Sense feature is now enabled.
  • Configure the options for which cache files you want to delete on the same page. This includes automatically emptying the Recycle Bin, removing files from the Downloads folder, and so on.
  • Storage Sense runs at the interval you specify. If you want to run it right away, scroll to the bottom of the current page. Click the “Run Storage Sense Now” button there.

Storage Sense will declutter your computer based on the options you select.

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