M-Changa To Refund Sheila Mukami’s Baby Shower Scam Money

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M-Changa confirmed that they would refund Sheila Mukami’s baby shower scam money.

We thank God for unprofessional scammers because that’s what Cabu Gah is. Remember the story we covered yesterday? the one where 20-year-old Sheila Mukami shared a sad story about her struggles as a single mother? Sheila has been trending on Twitter together with her baby’s father Cabu Gah who played people’s emotions and celebrated it on WhatsApp with his friends.

Luckily, the money was not going to a till number but to make it seem credible they chose to use M-Changa. In case you’ve never heard of the platform, M-Changa is Africa’s first & largest mobile fundraising site, it’s where people can track donations made and according to their site they provide the tools to create awareness and receive funds for your fundraiser – for individuals, organisations and businesses.

It’s been less than a week since the scam was revealed by popular blogger, Edgar Obare and now M-Changa has confirmed that everyone will get their money back.

So far Kenyans on Twitter have also reacted to the baby shower scam.

Well, aren’t we all glad that good generous Kenyans will receive their money back?

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